Friday, January 3, 2014

First Post Of 2014, The Year Of Magic. "Television, Here I Come...Again!" Week 1.

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week.....

*  Happy 2014 you guys!  Hope you all had a spectacular holiday season.  Back to the grind, as they say.  Let's do this sh*t.

*  SAVE THE DATE:  February 2nd.  Doing another live storytelling show, SUNDAY NIGHT SEX TALK.  For ladies only.  More deets coming soon.

*  Monthly readership has doubled in the last two months.  Whoooooaaaaaaaa.  The Diary Of The THRIVING Actress is getting almost 5,000 views a month now!  How the, and who are you people??!!!  I feel like I'm talking to people from another dimension...a parallel Universe.  Thank you, wherever you are.  :)

*  I want to say thank you to everyone for supporting me and FAME'US Magazine.  Unfortunately, I am longer working with them.  I know.  Why?  What happened?  I may write about this in the future since there were so many things I learned.  However, I'm taking some time to get a little distance from it first.  Nonetheless, I am so appreciative to you all and hopefully 2014 brings lots of new collaborations.

Now on to the main attraction.....

After you turn 25, the years just fly by, don't they?

I can't believe I'm already in my thirties.  I can't believe my Bells is going to turn 10 in March and I've had her since she was 2 months old.  Seriously, where and how does the time go like that?

Time doesn't stop.

In fact, my roommate told me about a watch called the "Tikker, The Happiness Watch" coming out in April of this year that counts down to your death.  "Tikker uses a common algorithm used by the federal government to figure a person's life expectancy."  Click here to read more about it.

I think it's cool.  Yes, it can seem morbid but, it's a complete paradigm shift.  I heard or read once that when some cancer patients hear they have X many days left to live, something in them shifts.  Pretty immediately.  I think it may have been Eckart Tolle in A New Earth.  They go from Ego to their Higher Self.  They see things more clearly.  They see what really matters in life.  They begin living.  And you've heard stories where simply by living a better quality of life, they kick cancer in its ass.

I think it's worth a try.  It's $79.  I'll let you know if I get one.  It may actually help me develop a better relationship with Time.

One of my goals this year.......Appreciate the time I have and not take it for granted.  Time with the people I love and care about and my Bells, time I spend doing things I love, and the time alone.

Speaking of goals, I'm easing into it.

For some reason, my heart just wants to do things OTHER than acting more this year.  Like finally go to the shooting range (yes, I want to shoot some guns), go to South by Southwest, finally go visit my sister in Houston, go back to pole dancing, travel more whether it's near or far...just places I've never been, go watch more movies at the theater, sleep more, smile more to strangers, go trapeze-ing, get a bicycle, read more books, try out more restaurants, and go out with friends more even if it's to the bar (I'm a huge homebody and I don't like alcohol much).  Basically, just get the f*ck out of my house more.

I feel like I'm at my prime and I don't take advantage of it as much as I want.  I also want to date more this year.  I want to stop being scared of and sabotaging anything from happening with guys I really really like.  Let's grow up this year, Alex.  If you want a grown ass man, you gotta be a grown ass woman.  I believe in you.

On the career front, what I really want to focus on is to work on set more....television and film, especially television.  I want to see some cha-chings, you know what I'm sayin?  I want to concentrate on training with Lesly Kahn more, and book some shiet....more co-stars and a guest-star or two.  This also means, back to casting director workshops.  I want to cultivate some solid relationships with a few casting offices.  I want to slowly start building a reputation and rapport with them.  I want to make sure my skill level is consistently up to par, and I want casting directors to feel confident about bringing me in.  I definitely want to be the Go-To Hot N Funny Asian Chick.  So possible!!

2014 has a good ring to it.  I have a feeling it brings with it lots of MAGIC and MANIFESTATION.  My writing coach, Suzanne declared last year as The Year Of Living Miraculously.  And she did.  She fell in love and got married in a year, got her first series regular role on cable, she received unexpected money, started her own coaching class, and a bunch of other things in between.  I know because I've been there to see it all happen.  I know how powerful your mind and intention can be.

This is my intention for 2014.  I want to manifest things like crazy and live so magically that people start thinking I may be a unicorn.  

All I know is I'm so happy to have this place.....this is my happy place.  I hope this place makes you happy too.  Thank you for visiting me this week.  I love you guys!!  Let's figure out 2014 together and see how we can manifest more magic into our lives.  :)

Here's to another THRIVING week and year.


x Alex



  1. hi! i occasionally read your blog, you seem sweet and relatable. Speaking of resolutions, have u heard of James Altucher? I think he sums it up pretty good about doing a daily practice so its not overwhelming. All your goals sounds totally do-able and will bring quality to your life. gun range? fuck yes! anyway, have a good January :-)

    1. Oh wow! Hi Goal Therapy! What a great name. Thank you so much for reading and connecting. I have not heard of James Altucher...this is the first. Imma check him out. He sounds like he's right up my alley. Wishing you a great January too. Latas, Goal Therapy! :D
