Monday, September 26, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 38. 'I'm Rich B*tch!'

My lesson this past week.  Money.

"Don't make money your goal.  Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you.  All other tangible rewards will come as a result." 
                                                                                                         - Maya Angelou

It's all about the Benjamins, baby.

Not really.  Not at all, actually.  Yes, my happiness depended on how much money was in my bank account.   A while back I requested my bank to send me text message alerts whenever there was any kind of withdrawal over a certain amount.  So, each time I got those texts, even though I spent it and I know it's coming, I'd get a knot in my stomach, a mini panic attack.  Why?  Because I was coming from a place of lack.  A part of me was afraid to let that money go because I didn't believe that it would come back.  But when push comes to shove, I know what it means to create and maintain a constant flow in all areas of my life.    Money is just one form of physical manifestation of your mind and soul.  What you believe becomes and is your reality.  And I am learning that I'm one rich b*tch.  ;)

I booked a commercial job last month through a friend, not my commercial agent.  I received the check for it.  I'm not gonna lie, the thought of not saying anything to my agent crossed my mind.  Should I give her 10% even if she didn't get me the job?  But,  at the end of the day, honesty really is the best, I just felt better about it.  So, in good faith, I mailed her the 10%.  Shortly after, I book a commercial job!  I was on avail for it for over a week so I thought for sure I didn't get it.  I ended up getting it and I'm shooting this week!  It's for TBS, will keep you posted about when it airs.  ;)  The Universe works in very magical and mechanical ways.

I read this again from the book, The 8 Human Talents by Gurmukh.  One of my Kundalini reads.


Money is a symbol for the nectar of life.  If you are the rare person who was raised to love yourself and honor others, you probably don't have issues around money.
Having a healthy attitude toward money issues is related to the idea of flow, and that is one reason that money is also referred to as currency.  Money needs to flow, like a current, in order to function optimally for all of us.  It's an elegant spiritual principal and a practical economic reality.
The second chakra is associated with the element of water.
A practical way to remind yourself about the importance of allowing money to flow naturally in your life is to remember to drink a lot of water.
If you find yourself in a place of terror or guilt about money, make sure that you are drinking enough water.  It's practical health advice you've heard thousands of times, but how often have you resisted it?  The number one reason I always hear is, "Because I hate having to go to the bathroom all the time."
Begin to acknowledge the flow within your life.  We are beings who are more liquid than we are anything else.  We need to hydrate and urinate.  Consider the idea that if you aren't hydrating your body, chances are that you will be in a dry spell financially as well.

If you define abundance in terms of feeling there is plenty, you will be rich every day of your life.

Love!  Yes??  I've been drinking lots of agua.  I've also been visiting the girl's room more too.  Yay!  ;)
Drinking more water is definitely a great way to start feeling what flow means to me.  And by incorporating more small, flow-like behaviors, choices, and actions into my everyday, they will show up as bigger things.  I feel lighter, flexible, and able to move with more ease with all the movement in my life.  Exchanging of the energies, giving and taking, it's the Natural Law.  Feel your vibration with God/The Universe and begin dancing your dance.  From moment to moment, ask God/The Universe what you can give to each other.  It's about teamwork.  Be willing to work together and find comfort in trusting God/The Universe to guide you.  I'm starting to learn my dance.  I get frustrated not knowing the steps yet, I step on its toes, I want to sit it out sometimes, BUT, this is all a part of learning this special and unique dance.  It's so specific to ME, for ME, and no one else in the world will be able to do the dance better than I can.  This dance is definitely worth being patient to learn.  I will be committed to mastering it.  One day I will be able to let go, close my eyes, trust my partner, and dance...gracefully.  Hope you do too.  :)

Enjoy your dance this week!

Last Week's Goals:  Sign up for on-going Margie Haber, Kundalini, catch-up with friends, actors access, laundry, talk to buddy!

Update:  Done!!!  FYI on Margie Haber class.  I love it so much and am seriously feeling and noticing the difference in my auditioning approach/technique.  I feel extremely professional, experimental, connected, grounded, and excited.  My teacher Courtney Burr is soooooo amazing.  And funny.  I'm ready to kill it out there!!!  Yaaaaaow!

This Week's Goals:  Fitting, commercial shoot, first day of Margie Haber's on-going class, kundalini, talk to buddy every day, work on my personal writing project, and dance with God/Universe.  :)

with LOVE,


This is pretty darn inspiring.

Give this song a listen, actually many listens...the more you listen to it,  the better it gets.  Saul Williams is an amazing lyricist, a genius.
I literally hang on to his every word.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 37. 'Let the Duality Exist'

"There is strong shadow where there is much light."  -  Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

We all have dualities existing within us.  It pulls us, pushes us and sometimes it keeps us immobile.  We have named them "Angel vs. Devil", "Light vs. Shadow", "Good vs. Bad", "Truth vs. Ego", etc....  And we have been conditioned to believe one is right and the other is wrong.  All of a sudden, making decisions, having choices can become scary because we want to do the 'right' thing.  So, are we doomed to live in a state of tug-of-war for the rest of our lives?  Absolutely not.

My Ego's going bonkers these days.  The more I try to live consciously, the stronger my self-sabotaging behaviors and patterns come to surface.  I used to have days where I would wake up in the mornings and just feel defeated.  In a matter of milliseconds...even before I opened my eyes, I no longer wanted to get out of bed, I no longer wanted to do anything....I just had thoughts, overwhelming thoughts that paralyzed me.  I'd see the beautiful morning Sun and say, 'Sorry, I can't join you today', then I would close my eyes and give up...give up on me and the day.

This is how I lived for years, in secret, feeling alone...I didn't know how to stop it.  All the momentary battles in me came together to wage a war inside of me.  Too much for my little soul to handle.

But, my soul knows wants better for me.  The greater ME came to my rescue.  I didn't wake up one morning and said, "I'm going to do what it takes to get better" instead, I said "I'm open.  I want to be happy.  I want to heal.  Help me."  That's it.  I just asked for help.

Cut to:  Kundalini yoga.  I heard about Kundalini but it just went in one ear, out the other...until one day, I was ready to hear it.  I heard it....loud and clear.  I was curious so I went by myself.  You know that saying, "When you know, you just know"?  I knew I found something that was going to be a part of me forever.  It's been 3 months since I started Kundalini and I go at least 5-6 days a week.  I'm also on Day 20 of my 40-Day Meditation, 30 minutes everyday.  I asked my teacher, Tej for help because there are specific things I'd like to work through.  I love meditating.  Who would have thought??  It takes's no easy task but, there is magic in practicing anything, consistently.  I am so grateful to those who mentioned Kundalini to me..even though I wasn't ready to act on my soul's behalf then, thank you.

I'm not out of the woods yet.  I don't walk around happy and peaceful all the time BUT, one thing's for sure, I'm living again.  Another one of Goethe's quotes, "Life belongs to the living."  I'm alive and I'm able to handle things with much more grace and excitement.  I see hope in my life, hope in other's lives, hope in the world.

I accept all that is ME.  What I once labeled as good or bad, is no longer.  It just is.  It is part of ME for a reason.  It's all a part of my growth and expansion.  I trust that I am perfect just the way I am...I am in this perfect moment as a perfect giver and receiver.  My life coach, Justina helped me realize that even the 'bad' was created by ME to help and protect ME.  My Ego came into existence when the little Alex needed help.  Now, the adult Alex has to draw some healthy boundaries and allow for all parts of ME to coexist and work together as a team.  No more fighting!  No more favoritism!  Be the neutral parent.

So, in a nutshell....

*  Duality exists in us all.

*  Judge no more.  It is not our job to say one is good and the other is bad.  It was created by you for you.

*  Say thank you to you...all of you...even what you thought was bad.  It was made out of love for you.  For ex:  Let's say you're a cigarette smoker, and you want to quit because you think it's bad.  Well, thank that part of you that wants to light up because you it was created to protect you from feeling something.  You no longer have to carry unhealthy feelings and habits.  And because you are always evolving, perhaps you don't need it anymore??  As creatures of habit, it's scary to let go of something that's been with us, a part of us, but, your goal is to change and to discover new things.  Allow there to be flow in all parts of your life.  Let the old go and welcome the new.

*  Ask for help.  Whether it's to a professional or to God/Universe.  And then stay open to all possible answers.

*  If you feel ready, take a Kundalini class.  I go to Golden Bridge on Highland and DeLongpre.  Go by yourself or email me, and I can go with you.

*  Trust that no matter what, it will get better.  Be okay with the feeling of discomfort.  Comfort never moves keeps us where we are.  And that's good at times but, discomfort moves us into a different consciousness.  And sometimes we need that new consciousness.  It's all part of the divine plan.

*  Practice living more will cause a chain reaction.  How?  Simple, to start, just focus on your five senses.  Technically, we have a so many other senses but, we don't use them because we don't even know about them!  But, on a physical level, we know of 5 so, use them!  I like to swish my chai latte with vanilla almond milk in my mouth before I swallow.  I like to smell my doggie Bells, even when she smells like corn chips.  ;)

Here's a video of one of my favorite authors, Steven Pressfield.  He truly is such a gift to artists.

Last Week's Goals:  Margie Haber, kundalini, mail outs, korean spa, oil change.

Update:  Check check check for everything except oil change.

This Week's Goals:  Two more weeks of Margie Haber left!  I'm signing up for the on-going classes.  I love it.  More kundalini!  I'm meeting up with friends this week to catch up.  Self-submit on Actors Access.  Laundry!  Talk to my buddy everyday!  Morrison is away so I have Marsha as my new buddy!  She's helping me get one of my personal projects started!  Yikes!  :)

Have a lovely week everyone.  :)

with LOVE,


Monday, September 12, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 36. 'Resources for Actors - My TOP Picks!'!

Retouches by:  Natalia Fedner Design
*Natalia gives you two versions when she retouches.  The left ones are more saturated, because it's your thumbnail pictures that get you in the door.  It makes you 'POP' more when casting directors are literally scrolling through itty bitty pictures.  The right ones are for print, more natural.  She's such a smart cookie.  

My Top Picks for Actors!  Here's a list of everything that's helped me personally through my journey as an actress.  Hope it helps you too.  :)

Carter Thor Studio - Cameron Thor and Alice Carter
Scene Study
This is my birthplace as an artist.  Cameron and Alice are the parents to my creative life.  My first acting school and studied here for 5 1/2 years.  I learned how to be an actress and most importantly, how to be an artist here.  It's truly a family-like environment.  Most of my closest friends out here are from the Studio. And if you're daring enough, you'll have many opportunities to produce, direct, write, act, stage manage, here.  They encourage their actors to create!  I will forever be grateful.  :)

Larry Moss Studio - Larry Moss
Scene Study
This is one amazing teacher.  The depth of his soul is a gift to be around for students.  And the community is unbelievably supportive and tight.  You must experience him.  Larry comes to town only twice a year so the workshop is an intensive.  4 Days total, you get to go up twice (either Monday and Wednesday, OR Tuesday and Thursday).  Goes from 9am - 6pm.  Cost is $700.  Audit $100.  Trust me, it's worth it.  You gotta sign up with them via their website first.  There will be a mass email sent as soon as a date is set for Larry's workshops here.  Reply back immediately...spots are filled extremely quickly.  I'm committed to train with him whenever  he's here.  I love him.

Margie Haber Studio - Courtney Burr
On-Camera Auditioning Technique
Courtney is a hoot and he's so good.  Our class starts at 6pm and usually go to 1am.  It's a small and intimate class, about 12 people.  This is a one-month intensive and we meet twice a week.  You learn something new every class...and it's very specific to auditioning.  There are techniques!  It's taking all that wonderful scene study training and tightening it up and tweaking it to work for film.  I feel excited about auditioning now!!!  How many people can say that?!?!  I love him!!

Act Now Network - Casting Director Workshops
Usually by referral, you audition to get in.  No member fee.  You get a consultant who will guide you..based on your specific goal.  Michelle is my consultant..she is soooo awesome.  Ask for her if you're interested.  I love this place.  I've had much luck here.  This is also where I did my two agent showcases and now I'm signed!  I also took a 4-week commercial workshop with Chris Game here last year, and literally two weeks after, I was getting callbacks and avails.  I booked about 5 commercials since then.

ActorRated - Free workshops
I went to some of their free workshops.  You really do learn a lot from them.  And they're FREE.  Just go out of curiosity.  They cover everything here.  Check them out.  Get a StarCard and you get lots of discounts to places and things you use as actors.  

Photographers:  They are all very reasonably priced.  
Stephanie Nelson Photography - Stephanie Nelson
I love her!  I was referred to her by my friend Dylan.  She's an actress herself so she knows the drill.  And she's so good at what she does!  She was professional and efficient AND the coolest!  

Click West Photo - John Phillips
John is amazing!  He's another actor/photographer/professional!  I loved ALL my shots by him!  And he gives you the cd of all your photos right after your shoot...if you can hang out for like an hour.  Check out his website...and see who the homepage girl is.  ;)

Cammy Kinney Photography - Cammy Kinney
One of my best friends of all time.  Photographer and friend extraordinaire.  If you ever need badass photos, she's the one.  Cam's got a unique style and her forte is shooting edgier things however, she'll do headshots for friends.  

Retouches/Website Building:
Natalia Fedner Design - Natalia Fedner
I met her at one of the ActorRated free workshops.  She was the speaker.  She's extremely knowledgeable because she's an actress herself, and she has interned for few casting offices.  She knows what's up.  She does all my retouching!  Generally, it will cost you about $40 to do basic to medium retouching for photos but, Natalia charges $25 per picture plus she gives you an extra version for your thumbnail!  She also does websites.  Check her out.

Another multi-talented friend of mine.  She is the co-founder of Brains of Minvera.  She does websites too!  But, if you wanted to learn the skill for yourself, she does private sessions or workshops to teach you how to build your own on Wordpress.  I'm going to schedule a session with her soon because I want to learn Wordpress.  :)

M. Constant Pictures - Dylan Bell
Dylan has his own production company so I asked him for help with my reel.  He helped me shoot a scene and he cut the reel together for me.  Amazing, Amazing!  Love him!!!  

Headshot Reproduction:
I love this place and the people!  The staff is amazing!  Especially Stacy!  He's so dope.  I recently got new headshots printed, new business cards, and new postcards.  AND, because of my photographer, Stephanie Nelson, I got 20% off everything!  

I loved this place until Argentum.  I went to the Reproductions in New York so naturally, I stuck with them out here.  Tommy always helped me out.  He's another dope dude!  Depending on your agent, you'll get 10% off here.

Marketing/Creative Career Coach:
She is the best out there!  I took her workshop Sept. 09 and I've been a marketing monster since.  I feel more in control because she teaches you practical ways to take productive steps towards your dream.  Dallas says to make it in this business, it's 25% acting, and 75% marketing.  I believe that.  She's always a part of my blog posts, she's a part of all the 'ships' I send out.  The Accountability Buddy idea is all her.  I learned so much from her, it's only right to pass it on.  Check out her website and at least sign up for her free workshop.  You'll see what I'm talking about.  I love her!

Life Coach/Spirituality: 
Actor's Life Coaching - Justina Vail 
Justina's my life coach!  She's helping me tremendously in the most delicate way possible.  Since I've made the commitment to get to know myself and heal myself deeply, she helps me process things coming up and out in a healthy and new way.  

Kundalini - I go to Golden Bridge Yoga
Kundalini yoga is a BIG part of my life now.  Kundalini yoga is known as the 'Yoga of Awareness'.  It's my spiritual food and this is the most important, in my opinion.  This is the best way to love yourself, and heal yourself.  When you begin loving yourself, you'll see love and hope everywhere.  And the people there are lovely.  My favorite teacher, Tej.  :)   

Breakdowns/Audition/Submission Accounts:
Actors Access - Theatrical (mostly)
LA Casting - Commercial (mostly)
Casting Frontier - Commercial

Samuel French - Books and Plays for actors, writers, directors, producers, etc.
ActorLikes - Let's get those StarMeters up by helping each other!
CastingAbout - Production info on everything, pretty much.  

Red lipstick - People are loving my red lipstick...I love my red lipstick too!  This particular red looks good on lots of people.  
MAC - Ruby Woo.  Lipliner is Cherry.  Classic look.  And sometimes I'll dab Chatterbox (looks like a bubblegum pink) on top of Ruby Woo...such an awesome color if you're feeling a lil funky.  

AND for those who are curious about how the Accountability Buddy project is going, here's a video!  Sean and I had a blast and we were so productive.  Also, announcing new buddy!!!  Check it out.  :)

This Week's Goal:  More Margie Haber, more kundalini, mail out some postcards and new headshots to casting directors I know.  Talk to my new buddy.  I'm just going to take it easy this week...I'm going to squeeze in a Korean Spa day.  Oh yeah, and gotta get an oil change for my car.   

Have an amazing week ya'll!!!

with LOVE,


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 35. 'My Sacred Rituals'

This week's blog post comes a little late.  But, better late than never!!!

It's been the busiest, no, the most productive couple of weeks for me.  Actually, my last couple of months have been awesome.

Good News anyone???

Remember the agent showcases?  Well, I got TWO meetings out of it.  Yes, that's right...I met with them both last week and they both wanted to sign me.  Ladies and gents, your girl got to choose....I had a choice.  I made my decision...and of course, knowing me, I went with my feelings rather than thinking it through so much.  I also left it to God/Universe and let the answers appear to me.  But this is the funny part, the first two times I asked, I intuitively got my answer but, I didn't trust it.  So, third's the charm right?  I put both names into my hat and drew (just like what I do with my accountability submissions).  Yup, same answer...thrice.  :)

Also, quick update on Margie Haber!  The one month intensive is INTENSIVE!!!  Especially, with Courtney Burr.  Our class starts at 6pm and if we're lucky, we'll get out at 1am.'s no joke, Courtney is no joke.  But, I like it.  He's amazing.  I've already learned so much in three classes...I feel excited about auditioning now.  I've been an avid 'scene study' student, however, auditioning is a whole other ball game....if you want to be a working actor, get some sort of auditioning skills under your belt.  You'll see how effective you can be.  I love it.

Create a Sacred Ritual for yourself.

With all these amazing experiences and lessons coming my way, I find myself carving out more time for ME.  Sounds ironic, no?  It's hard to wake up early, it's hard to eat well when you're on the run, it's hard to work out or's hard to be good to yourself.  But, you have to be good to yourself in order to continue functioning at your optimal level.

Create a sacred ritual for yourself and your dream...everyday, every moment you get.  And I'm not talking about lighting a whole bunch of candles and making a big performance or event out of can be as small as waking up in the morning and saying to yourself, "I'm gonna be good to you today", OR thanking each of your body parts before going to bed for taking such good care of you, OR simply taking a nice deep breath and saying thank you from the bottom of your heart.  If I told you all the rituals I have created along the way, you'd think I was adorable.  ;)

My go-to ritual these days is taking a nice deep breath and saying thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I have so many things to be thankful for so, no matter where I am, who I'm with, what I'm doing, I'll stop, stay still, take a deep breath and say thank only took me 30 seconds.  What matters to me is acknowledging the blessing and feeling gratitude in a deep and sacred way...and it was less than a minute.  Quality, not quantity.

The more I say Thank You, the more I realize even the good things must be released or detoxed from the mind, body, and soul.  Not just the bad.  We tend to detox our bodies from all the unhealthy stuff we put into it and detox the mind and soul by seeing a shrink or another type of professional.  But, how about the good things??

What do I mean?  For example, I did a little cleaning and found some things I bought as gifts for friends...I never gave it to them.  I had them taking up space and energy.  It was a beautiful gesture on my part to buy it for them in the first place but, I never followed through by giving it to them, the rightful owners.  Gifts are meant to be given, not hidden....especially in my closet buried away.  So, I released that.  This goes for your talents too.  You are born with your own talent, your genius, don't hide it and keep it all to yourself....give it away.  Let the world have it.

So, SACREDLY say your thank you's many times as you can.  Release it all into Universe.  Give back when you are given.  And especially for us artists....we are here to experience, process it in our own unique way, then let it go to allow others to experience and process it in their own, a beautiful cycle, circle.

I just took a deep breath and felt grateful that I woke up early to write this.  :*)

Oh, and next week's blog, I'm going to compile a list of resources for us actors!  Things that have worked for me, I will share!

And if you have a moment to read it this morning and moved me.  Mitch Joel is one of my marketing gurus...his blog is awesome.
I'll be participating for sure.  :)

Hope you all have a sacred, ritualistic day.

Update:  I got new business cards, postcards, and headshots printed.  And they look so rad!

This Week's Goal:  Drop off some headshots to my agent; work on my sides for a CD workshop this weekend; make a short re-cap video with my accountability buddy, Sean; pick my new accountability buddy and make a video; compile a list of resources for actors.

with LOVE,
