Thursday, January 30, 2014

"The Humility Of The Artist". Television, Here I Come....Again! Week 5.

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week.....

*  Had my first singer/songwriting class.  SO.  MUCH.  FUN.  And my classmates.....class acts.  Very welcoming and supportive.  We can't talk about the process but, I wanted to let you know that the class makes me happy.  If you're curious and interested about who I'm studying with, my teacher is the Grammy nominated, Harriet Shock.  Click on her name for her website.  Here's the link to her Wikipedia.
She's badass.  And she's sweet as apple pie....she's a Texan.

*  Aaaaaaahhhhh, I'm getting nervous about my next show this Sunday.  Wish me some leg breaking please.
If you can make it out, here's the info again.
Sunday, February 2nd.  @ Bar Lubitsch.  7702 Santa Monica Blvd.  West Hollywood, CA 90046.  Doors open @ 8pm.  Show starts 8:30pm.  $6 cover.  LADIES ONLY.

Now on to the main attraction....

I love paradigm shifts.  Epiphanies.  Game-changers.

You know how you can hear something a million times and it doesn't click until someone says it or you read it a certain way, and then, BAM.  It clicks.  Divine Timing.  You hear it when you're ready.

Something clicked for me.

Seth Godin has an amazing blog.
Click here for his official website.
Click here for his blog.
He's an author, speaker, and marketer.  He's a genius.  His blog posts are short and sweet...and packed with info and insight.  I don't know how he does it.

Check out this post.  GAME-CHANGER.

The humility of the artist

It seems arrogant to say, "perhaps this isn't for you."

When the critic pans your work, or the prospect hears your offer but doesn't buy, the artist responds, "that's okay, it's not for you." She doesn't wheedle or flip-flop or go into high pressure mode. She treats different people differently, understands that she is working to delight the weird, not please the masses, and walks away.

Isn't that arrogant?

No. It's arrogant to assume that you've made something so extraordinary that everyone everywhere should embrace it. Our best work can't possibly appeal to the average masses, only our average work can.

Finding the humility to happily walk away from those that don't get it unlocks our ability to do great work.                

Seriously.  Can we say, "Thank you, Seth Godin."?

This will forever be seared into my brain.  

From now on, I work to delight the weird, not please the masses, and walk away.  Let's just hypothetically say you didn't like me or my work.....I ain't mad you.  To each his own, you know what I'm sayin?  

And "It's arrogant to assume that you've made something so extraordinary that everyone everywhere should embrace it.  Our best work can't possibly appeal to the average masses, only our average work can."


This is a great reminder as I'm getting back into casting director workshops.  Some casting directors/offices won't be a fan of mine.  That's too bad because I'm one in a million but, what are you gonna do.  Again, to each his own.  I remember Dallas Travers saying, there are NYP's-Not Your People.  It's ok, let them go and find the ones who are.  

But, do you know what precedes all this?  If you want to find your peeps, you gotta have your own style first.  Know your brand.  Your brand is YOU so get to know yourself real well.  Go deep down inside of you, bring out shit that no longer serves you, and turn it into something that serves the world.  That's your gift.  That's your secret weapon....not who you know.  Trust me, they'll find you.  Just put out work that's authentic to you, that makes you feel alive, and the rest will follow.  

Have a THRIVING weeks, peeps.


x Alex


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