Tuesday, March 5, 2013

'Give God/The Universe Time To Catch Up'. Live Shows, Here I Come! Week 10.

How cute?!  And hasn't even been retouched!

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week.....

*  My headshots are out!  These are just the first three I'm going to use and see what happens.  I used to feel so much pressure about having the 'perfect' photo(s)....these days, I'm like, "Yup, they're all me regardless.  Let's just see what happens."  Thank you to Kelsey Edwards Photography!  I love all my new photos!  Kelsey and her staff are AWESOME.

What do you guys think???

Now on to the main attraction.....

Give God/The Universe time to catch up.

I've been slowly but surely making adjustments and changes to fit the life that I want.

~  I've been working out with a personal trainer.
~  Sobriety is a priority.
~  My spiritual health is a priority.
~  I "invest" my money more wisely rather than just spending it.
~  I write down my career goals and look at them everyday.
~  I consciously date.  I become more aware of what I want, I ask for what I want, I let go of things cannot control, and I don't take things personally.
~  I say and do things with integrity.
~  Self-love and self-approval is my foundation.
~  Taking care of my skin.  Especially since I have been acne prone my whole life.

"You can have it all.  Just not at once."  - Oprah Winfrey

Dang, Oprah sure does know what she's talking about.  YES, it is absolutely possible to have everything you want.....just in its divine time.

I'm a good manifester.  Sometimes I'm able to manifest things so quickly that it's scary.  Still, I see it today, now.....that everything has its own time and place in my life.  The only thing I can control or have power over is to
1.  Know what I want.  CLEARLY.
2.  Set my intentions.  CLEARLY.
3.  Direct my energy/energies.  CLEARLY.
4.  Look for signs.
5.  Trust and believe, and then LET IT ALLLLL GO.

With my personal and career goals, as mentioned above....I've been building on them.  They didn't happen overnight, some took weeks, months, and even years.  This blog is proof and I have documented my journey along the way.  Pretty freaking cool.  I'm not out of the woods.....it's all a process but, I see how far I've come.

I'm checking in with myself right now.  I'm giving myself a pat on the back and saying, "Alex, you did good.  Keep going."  I'm feeling years of emotions in me, in the most beautiful way.  I feel like I'm bowing to God/The Universe and to myself with gratitude.  I appreciate everything.  I accept everything.  I see the why's, when I couldn't see them before... of course, I couldn't.  I wasn't ready.

All those times I was afraid, "I'll never get there", "I'll never book anything", "I'll never have great skin", "I'll never work out, that's just not me", "I'll never be able to meditate because I just have a crazy busy mind", "I'll never find true love and I'll be alone for the rest of my life", etc......RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, I feel like I'm perfectly where I'm suppose to be in my journey.

Give God/The Universe to catch up.

Do what you can, and do your best, whatever your best is in that moment.  Because your best is going to look different.  (When you're sick, you won't be able to do what you can do when you're not sick.  No comparing allowed.)  Every moment is its own moment.  Then just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.  Think about it, true change takes time.  It's like planting a new seed....it needs TLC and time to grow.

I see things as energies and pictures.  Picture a tornado, and it's spinning in one direction (this is how you have been living, how you have been thinking), now you want to change it up.  What has to happen first?  You've gotta slow down, come to a point of zero, then switch to the other direction.  If you can understand the Law of Nature and how physics work on a fundamental level, I think you'll understand life.  And I think you'll cut yourself some slack.

Some changes happen faster, some take longer.  All that matters is that you stay committed and take each step, breathe each breath to get you there.  Maybe you'll realize that you were 'there', 'here' all the time.  It was just taking notice of that.

You've heard this before....it's not the destination, it's the journey.  Each moment of your journey is your destination.  Treat it like so and see how that changes your perception.  Because at the end of the day, it's only about perception, really.

Be patient with yourself.  Be patient with God/The Universe.  And when things seem too overwhelming, and things aren't happening as fast as you'd like, just ask yourself, "How can I love myself a little more right now?  How can I approve of myself a little more right now?"

Begin there.

I love you.  Because I love me.  I write for you.  Because I write for me.

I hope this makes your day a little happier and peaceful.

Give it time.  Just breathe and know YOU'RE HERE.  There's nowhere else you need to be.

with MAD LOVE,


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