Monday, September 26, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 38. 'I'm Rich B*tch!'

My lesson this past week.  Money.

"Don't make money your goal.  Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you.  All other tangible rewards will come as a result." 
                                                                                                         - Maya Angelou

It's all about the Benjamins, baby.

Not really.  Not at all, actually.  Yes, my happiness depended on how much money was in my bank account.   A while back I requested my bank to send me text message alerts whenever there was any kind of withdrawal over a certain amount.  So, each time I got those texts, even though I spent it and I know it's coming, I'd get a knot in my stomach, a mini panic attack.  Why?  Because I was coming from a place of lack.  A part of me was afraid to let that money go because I didn't believe that it would come back.  But when push comes to shove, I know what it means to create and maintain a constant flow in all areas of my life.    Money is just one form of physical manifestation of your mind and soul.  What you believe becomes and is your reality.  And I am learning that I'm one rich b*tch.  ;)

I booked a commercial job last month through a friend, not my commercial agent.  I received the check for it.  I'm not gonna lie, the thought of not saying anything to my agent crossed my mind.  Should I give her 10% even if she didn't get me the job?  But,  at the end of the day, honesty really is the best, I just felt better about it.  So, in good faith, I mailed her the 10%.  Shortly after, I book a commercial job!  I was on avail for it for over a week so I thought for sure I didn't get it.  I ended up getting it and I'm shooting this week!  It's for TBS, will keep you posted about when it airs.  ;)  The Universe works in very magical and mechanical ways.

I read this again from the book, The 8 Human Talents by Gurmukh.  One of my Kundalini reads.


Money is a symbol for the nectar of life.  If you are the rare person who was raised to love yourself and honor others, you probably don't have issues around money.
Having a healthy attitude toward money issues is related to the idea of flow, and that is one reason that money is also referred to as currency.  Money needs to flow, like a current, in order to function optimally for all of us.  It's an elegant spiritual principal and a practical economic reality.
The second chakra is associated with the element of water.
A practical way to remind yourself about the importance of allowing money to flow naturally in your life is to remember to drink a lot of water.
If you find yourself in a place of terror or guilt about money, make sure that you are drinking enough water.  It's practical health advice you've heard thousands of times, but how often have you resisted it?  The number one reason I always hear is, "Because I hate having to go to the bathroom all the time."
Begin to acknowledge the flow within your life.  We are beings who are more liquid than we are anything else.  We need to hydrate and urinate.  Consider the idea that if you aren't hydrating your body, chances are that you will be in a dry spell financially as well.

If you define abundance in terms of feeling there is plenty, you will be rich every day of your life.

Love!  Yes??  I've been drinking lots of agua.  I've also been visiting the girl's room more too.  Yay!  ;)
Drinking more water is definitely a great way to start feeling what flow means to me.  And by incorporating more small, flow-like behaviors, choices, and actions into my everyday, they will show up as bigger things.  I feel lighter, flexible, and able to move with more ease with all the movement in my life.  Exchanging of the energies, giving and taking, it's the Natural Law.  Feel your vibration with God/The Universe and begin dancing your dance.  From moment to moment, ask God/The Universe what you can give to each other.  It's about teamwork.  Be willing to work together and find comfort in trusting God/The Universe to guide you.  I'm starting to learn my dance.  I get frustrated not knowing the steps yet, I step on its toes, I want to sit it out sometimes, BUT, this is all a part of learning this special and unique dance.  It's so specific to ME, for ME, and no one else in the world will be able to do the dance better than I can.  This dance is definitely worth being patient to learn.  I will be committed to mastering it.  One day I will be able to let go, close my eyes, trust my partner, and dance...gracefully.  Hope you do too.  :)

Enjoy your dance this week!

Last Week's Goals:  Sign up for on-going Margie Haber, Kundalini, catch-up with friends, actors access, laundry, talk to buddy!

Update:  Done!!!  FYI on Margie Haber class.  I love it so much and am seriously feeling and noticing the difference in my auditioning approach/technique.  I feel extremely professional, experimental, connected, grounded, and excited.  My teacher Courtney Burr is soooooo amazing.  And funny.  I'm ready to kill it out there!!!  Yaaaaaow!

This Week's Goals:  Fitting, commercial shoot, first day of Margie Haber's on-going class, kundalini, talk to buddy every day, work on my personal writing project, and dance with God/Universe.  :)

with LOVE,


This is pretty darn inspiring.

Give this song a listen, actually many listens...the more you listen to it,  the better it gets.  Saul Williams is an amazing lyricist, a genius.
I literally hang on to his every word.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Alex, you are such a great writer. I am just as inspired by you as I was listening to Tony Robins in the youtube video you posted. I'm loving your blogs and I'm glad we met at Margie Haber...I agree that class rocks and I too have felt a tremendous positive change in my approach to auditioning and living the slice of life :)
