Thursday, September 8, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 35. 'My Sacred Rituals'

This week's blog post comes a little late.  But, better late than never!!!

It's been the busiest, no, the most productive couple of weeks for me.  Actually, my last couple of months have been awesome.

Good News anyone???

Remember the agent showcases?  Well, I got TWO meetings out of it.  Yes, that's right...I met with them both last week and they both wanted to sign me.  Ladies and gents, your girl got to choose....I had a choice.  I made my decision...and of course, knowing me, I went with my feelings rather than thinking it through so much.  I also left it to God/Universe and let the answers appear to me.  But this is the funny part, the first two times I asked, I intuitively got my answer but, I didn't trust it.  So, third's the charm right?  I put both names into my hat and drew (just like what I do with my accountability submissions).  Yup, same answer...thrice.  :)

Also, quick update on Margie Haber!  The one month intensive is INTENSIVE!!!  Especially, with Courtney Burr.  Our class starts at 6pm and if we're lucky, we'll get out at 1am.'s no joke, Courtney is no joke.  But, I like it.  He's amazing.  I've already learned so much in three classes...I feel excited about auditioning now.  I've been an avid 'scene study' student, however, auditioning is a whole other ball game....if you want to be a working actor, get some sort of auditioning skills under your belt.  You'll see how effective you can be.  I love it.

Create a Sacred Ritual for yourself.

With all these amazing experiences and lessons coming my way, I find myself carving out more time for ME.  Sounds ironic, no?  It's hard to wake up early, it's hard to eat well when you're on the run, it's hard to work out or's hard to be good to yourself.  But, you have to be good to yourself in order to continue functioning at your optimal level.

Create a sacred ritual for yourself and your dream...everyday, every moment you get.  And I'm not talking about lighting a whole bunch of candles and making a big performance or event out of can be as small as waking up in the morning and saying to yourself, "I'm gonna be good to you today", OR thanking each of your body parts before going to bed for taking such good care of you, OR simply taking a nice deep breath and saying thank you from the bottom of your heart.  If I told you all the rituals I have created along the way, you'd think I was adorable.  ;)

My go-to ritual these days is taking a nice deep breath and saying thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I have so many things to be thankful for so, no matter where I am, who I'm with, what I'm doing, I'll stop, stay still, take a deep breath and say thank only took me 30 seconds.  What matters to me is acknowledging the blessing and feeling gratitude in a deep and sacred way...and it was less than a minute.  Quality, not quantity.

The more I say Thank You, the more I realize even the good things must be released or detoxed from the mind, body, and soul.  Not just the bad.  We tend to detox our bodies from all the unhealthy stuff we put into it and detox the mind and soul by seeing a shrink or another type of professional.  But, how about the good things??

What do I mean?  For example, I did a little cleaning and found some things I bought as gifts for friends...I never gave it to them.  I had them taking up space and energy.  It was a beautiful gesture on my part to buy it for them in the first place but, I never followed through by giving it to them, the rightful owners.  Gifts are meant to be given, not hidden....especially in my closet buried away.  So, I released that.  This goes for your talents too.  You are born with your own talent, your genius, don't hide it and keep it all to yourself....give it away.  Let the world have it.

So, SACREDLY say your thank you's many times as you can.  Release it all into Universe.  Give back when you are given.  And especially for us artists....we are here to experience, process it in our own unique way, then let it go to allow others to experience and process it in their own, a beautiful cycle, circle.

I just took a deep breath and felt grateful that I woke up early to write this.  :*)

Oh, and next week's blog, I'm going to compile a list of resources for us actors!  Things that have worked for me, I will share!

And if you have a moment to read it this morning and moved me.  Mitch Joel is one of my marketing gurus...his blog is awesome.
I'll be participating for sure.  :)

Hope you all have a sacred, ritualistic day.

Update:  I got new business cards, postcards, and headshots printed.  And they look so rad!

This Week's Goal:  Drop off some headshots to my agent; work on my sides for a CD workshop this weekend; make a short re-cap video with my accountability buddy, Sean; pick my new accountability buddy and make a video; compile a list of resources for actors.

with LOVE,


1 comment:

  1. Alex, you are such a gem and a light, and the internal journey of loving acceptance and nourishment is clearly being reflected externally with the universe nourishing and supporting you.... love your insights on Sacred rituals, some say the moment to moment sacredness of such rituals is what you will cherish most at the end of the line... congrats on the new agent and with the foundation for auditioning.... onward and upward
