Saturday, May 3, 2014

"Onward And Upward Part 2". Television, Here I Come.....Again! Week 18.

A fun take from my headshot session with Jenny S Yang Photography.  I'm narrowing down now so, official new headshots coming soon!

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week....

*  I'm really excited to announce that I will be adding something to the blog.  At the end of every month, I will do a quick review/recap of the casting director workshops I have taken during that month.  My goal this year is to book more television but honestly, I haven't really done much to achieve that.  I'm really honing in on it again.  The last time I did, I booked Criminal Minds.  I know what I have to's just doing it.  So, to hold myself accountable, I'm going to start writing reviews.

This month's workshops are:

Lisa Soltau

Now on to the main attraction......

A day after I posted last week's blog post, "Onward and Upward", I receive an email from my theatrical agent saying let's part ways.

Yes, last Friday, my ass got dropped by my theatrical agent.

I was shocked.

My agent and I have been together for about two and a half years now.  Personally, we got along well.  She was from Jersey, I was from Brooklyn.  But, professionally, something wasn't working.  I wasn't going out.  And the times I did go out, it was because the casting director requested for me after having met me at a workshop.  (PS.  If you still believe you can't book jobs without representation.....THINK AGAIN.)

We both knew it wasn't working but, it's never easy saying goodbye, is it?

Yeah, well I was shocked and pissed for a day because she broke it off first.  It was an Ego bruise for me.

I bounce back quick though.  24 hours later, I came to my senses.  And I realized........Honestly, I need shit like this in my life.  Shit like this makes me fight for what I want.  It makes me see what I'm really capable of.  As of late, I didn't know if I had any fight left in me.  I wasn't feeling very motivated.  I was feeling stuck.  I was getting scared that I may have lost my passion for it all.

Then this happened and it was proving me wrong.

I AM proving myself wrong.

Here's what I've been up to since the break-up.  I'm coming up with new ideas to kick it up a notch with The Diary Of The THRIVING Actress blog, writing down more vlog ideas, got new headshots taken,  and signed up for two casting workshops for this month (I just had the first one this past Saturday).  Also, my commercial auditions have been picking up since.  I feel like my life is happening just the way it's suppose to.  I feel very much aligned right now.  I feel hopeful.  I feel excited about what could happen any moment.  I feel focused.  I feel productive.  I feel good.

The truth is, my agent is cool peeps.  It would have been nice if it worked out.  I've always pictured myself having the same agent and manager from the beginning and making it together.  But, business is business.  And business wise, this was the best for both parties.  I guess I can thank her for doing the dirty work.

I'm not stressing about finding a new theatrical agent.  I stressed for like 24 hours but, I realized, "Get out of panic mode.  You're fine.  Everything is fine."  I still have my manager and my commercial agent.  I'm good.  Like I said, you don't need them to book jobs.

I'm going to try something.  I'm going to see how many television jobs I can book on my own until agents come to me.  Why the hell not?

Trust that when things change on you, it's necessary, and it's actually the best thing for you.  Sometimes we hold on to things longer than necessary because we're afraid to let go.  That's when God/The Universe steps in.  I don't believe things just happen to me.  I believe things happen FOR me.
By the way, this isn't the first time I've been dropped.  Do you remember when my first manager dropped me?  "All Aboard The AlEX EXpress!"  I went back to read it.  I'm not worried one bit.  :)

Thank you to my agent.  Thank you for the two and half years.  Wishing you and your team lots of success.

And thank you to my commercial agent and manager.  I appreciate your support, encouragement, and hard work thus far.  I'm ready to throw it dowwwwwnnnnnnnnnn.

Have a muddafuggin THRIVING week, peeps!  Thank you for reading and it's a pleasure to be on the grind with you.


x Alex

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