Tuesday, May 13, 2014

"A Gift For An Artist". Television, Here I Come....Again! Week 19 and 20.

One of my new headshots.  :)
Hair and Make-up By:  Christina Turino

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week....

*  I got new headshots taken!  I'm stoked about them.  I love them because they look clean.  I also had a blast shooting with them.  I'm not just saying this because they're my friends....I'm saying this because I know a thing or two about taking pictures, ok?  I've been around the block, let's just put it that way.  Super organized, efficient, and professional.  They're so good that I was able to relax....normally I can't when I'm shooting with new photographers/hair and make-up, because I'm a control freak.  Seriously, great eyes, great peeps.  I just really appreciate hard working people who make you feel like they're giving you their 100%.  That goes a loooooong way for me.  Oh yeah, and the price is very do-able, friends.  Thank you JENNY&CHRIS and Christina for an amazing and fun shoot!!!

Now on to the main attraction.....

I lost a dear friend last week.  Let me tell you a little about Bee.

I have never met him.  Bee and I connected on Facebook because he came across my blog and he reached out.  At first, I was a little hesitant.  Well, I'm a girl and he's a guy.  But, then my walls came down rather quickly because you just know an eclectic good Soul.

And an eclectic great Soul he was.  I mean, he liked and commented on so many of my posts, heck, he even shared my shit....heck heck, he hashtagged #TheHotAndFunnyAsianChick more than I did......and he adored my Bells.  How could I not like him now?!  He would send cute pics or messages to her.  It was very sweet.  There was something very............organic, about him.  Like everything he said, posted, came straight from the heart, right in that moment.

I had a friend in Oklahoma.  I've never had a friend from Oklahoma.  Freaking cool.  And through him, I met other kindred spirits...(SH!)

The last time Bee and I had a heart to heart was when I wrote a blog post on artists and addiction.  It's a topic that's close to my heart.  He liked the post, and we exchanged stories.  You know that shift that happens when an acquaintance becomes a soul family?  The moment you discover common grounds, the moment you deeply appreciate another human being, when your heart chakra opens.

I think it's hard not to open up to Bee.

I blog, Facebook, Instagram, because it's my way of creating something and I love being able to document my journey along the way.  I also write with hopes that I'm somehow adding value to the world too, to feel a connection with someone else...like any other artist.  And I appreciate feedback.

Bee, not only did you give me feedback, you gave me mad love, support, and encouragement.  I have people I have never met who are rooting for me.  Do you know how much I appreciate it?  What a gift for an artist.  What a gift for me.  I hope you know that you will always be a part of my journey and I will always remember you as an angel.  I'm sure if I said, "Bee, thank you for being my biggest cheerleader.", you'd probably post a pic of yourself dressed as a hot mess cheerleader on my page with the caption, "Since 1993."  I'm pretty sure.

Even though we never met, we did.  We'll always have Facebook, brother.  Thank you for your friendship.  Your heart was too big for this place anyway.  Bells and I send you off with butterflies.  May you be home, in peace, forever smiling.


Have a THRIVING week, peeps.  :)


x Alex

1 comment:

  1. The Value You add to this World is immeasurable Lady A,! I was left with tears because of your description of Bee (Brian McCoy). You were able to pick up the essence from your contacts with him and be touched like us all with his exuberance of life. It is a shame you never had the chance to have dinner with him...a man in his medium...like a kid at Christmas. He follows your work still I would presume,as I do. Best of All to You Dear Soul , now go get me an OSCAR!
