Thursday, January 30, 2014

"The Humility Of The Artist". Television, Here I Come....Again! Week 5.

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week.....

*  Had my first singer/songwriting class.  SO.  MUCH.  FUN.  And my classmates.....class acts.  Very welcoming and supportive.  We can't talk about the process but, I wanted to let you know that the class makes me happy.  If you're curious and interested about who I'm studying with, my teacher is the Grammy nominated, Harriet Shock.  Click on her name for her website.  Here's the link to her Wikipedia.
She's badass.  And she's sweet as apple pie....she's a Texan.

*  Aaaaaaahhhhh, I'm getting nervous about my next show this Sunday.  Wish me some leg breaking please.
If you can make it out, here's the info again.
Sunday, February 2nd.  @ Bar Lubitsch.  7702 Santa Monica Blvd.  West Hollywood, CA 90046.  Doors open @ 8pm.  Show starts 8:30pm.  $6 cover.  LADIES ONLY.

Now on to the main attraction....

I love paradigm shifts.  Epiphanies.  Game-changers.

You know how you can hear something a million times and it doesn't click until someone says it or you read it a certain way, and then, BAM.  It clicks.  Divine Timing.  You hear it when you're ready.

Something clicked for me.

Seth Godin has an amazing blog.
Click here for his official website.
Click here for his blog.
He's an author, speaker, and marketer.  He's a genius.  His blog posts are short and sweet...and packed with info and insight.  I don't know how he does it.

Check out this post.  GAME-CHANGER.

The humility of the artist

It seems arrogant to say, "perhaps this isn't for you."

When the critic pans your work, or the prospect hears your offer but doesn't buy, the artist responds, "that's okay, it's not for you." She doesn't wheedle or flip-flop or go into high pressure mode. She treats different people differently, understands that she is working to delight the weird, not please the masses, and walks away.

Isn't that arrogant?

No. It's arrogant to assume that you've made something so extraordinary that everyone everywhere should embrace it. Our best work can't possibly appeal to the average masses, only our average work can.

Finding the humility to happily walk away from those that don't get it unlocks our ability to do great work.                

Seriously.  Can we say, "Thank you, Seth Godin."?

This will forever be seared into my brain.  

From now on, I work to delight the weird, not please the masses, and walk away.  Let's just hypothetically say you didn't like me or my work.....I ain't mad you.  To each his own, you know what I'm sayin?  

And "It's arrogant to assume that you've made something so extraordinary that everyone everywhere should embrace it.  Our best work can't possibly appeal to the average masses, only our average work can."


This is a great reminder as I'm getting back into casting director workshops.  Some casting directors/offices won't be a fan of mine.  That's too bad because I'm one in a million but, what are you gonna do.  Again, to each his own.  I remember Dallas Travers saying, there are NYP's-Not Your People.  It's ok, let them go and find the ones who are.  

But, do you know what precedes all this?  If you want to find your peeps, you gotta have your own style first.  Know your brand.  Your brand is YOU so get to know yourself real well.  Go deep down inside of you, bring out shit that no longer serves you, and turn it into something that serves the world.  That's your gift.  That's your secret weapon....not who you know.  Trust me, they'll find you.  Just put out work that's authentic to you, that makes you feel alive, and the rest will follow.  

Have a THRIVING weeks, peeps.


x Alex


Thursday, January 23, 2014

"Tips And Tricks To Manifesting." Television, Here I Come....Again! Week 4.

How I feel after my morning meditations.

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week.....

*  Michael McCaskey workshop went well.  I wasn't thrilled with my reading but, just having the techniques I learned from Lesly Kahn, I probably did better than I think I did. 

And FYI, he is no longer with G. Charles Wright's office.  He is now with Stiner/Block.  Stiner/Block do Anger Management now.  It was G. Charles Wright before.  

He's cool peeps.  Super chill.  

*  I know it's Super Bowl Sunday but, it's my next showwwwwwwww.  
February 2nd ( Sunday) at 8pm.
SUNDAY NIGHT SEX TALK at Bar Lubitsch.  
Ladies only.
$6 cover.

I'm busting my ass with this new story.  Come hear this Asian talk about sex!  :D

*  If you haven't already, subscribe via email.  Look to your right.  Something tells me to start building my list.  I want to stay connected with you forever and ever and everrrrrrrrrrrr.  Muhahahaha.  Join my email list!

Now on to the main attraction....

Once's happening.  I'm manifesting.  Or at least I'm moving things around in my life, shaking shit up.  


*  Jan. 5th I started a new meditation.  I've been doing it EVERY morning.
*  I have 3 candles.  One for career/success, one for my heart/love, and the last is a Kwan Yin (goddess of healing and compassion) candle for self-love, self-acceptance, and emotional healing.  I have been setting an intention for each candle every morning.
*  I have been auditioning almost every day since (sometimes multiple auditions in a day), I received a marriage proposal (I'm not being funny about this at all), and I've been working out more and writing more.

**  I know, a marriage proposal.  It came out of nowhere (not really because I'm moving stuff around, remember?).  From an ex...I'm not dating anyone exclusively right now.  I didn't accept....yet.  Maybe in the future but, I have shit I have to take care of first.  And so does he.  I may write about this in the future.  Still, it's magical to know I have profound relationships in my life and that my heart is open.  

Sometimes I manifest exactly what I want, but most of the times, there's just a lot of movement.  I think that's one of my gifts.  The ability to get 'unstuck' because I can get stuck a lot.  Like debilitating stuck.  But, now I can at least get shit moving.  Constipation in any way sucks.  

Manifesting is a blend of the non-physical and the and action.  

From my experience, you gotta have both.

Here's how I think it works.  I can actually guarantee it works.  It does for me.  Try it.  And let me know.  

Ok, here we ready to learn some MAGIC??

*  BELIEVE in MAGIC.  If you don't have this, don't even bother reading on.  This isn't for the cynics.

*  Pick ONE thing you want to work on.  Career, Love, Health, etc....  I know I got three candles but, I'm trying something different.  So, just pick one.

*  What kind of change do you want to see?  How do you want to feel?  Tony Robbins says, "Progress is Happiness".  We as humans need to feel like we're making progress to feel good.  We're going to simply focus on making progress.

*  Maybe you just want to see changes around you.  Maybe you have something very specific in mind.  Whatever it is, break it down now.  Into manageable PHYSICAL tasks.  Something you can DO and TAKE ACTION on EVERY DAY .  It's about CONSISTENCY.  Why is consistency so important?  When you do something consistently enough, you begin generating a gotta create momentum.  Energetically, the momentum will eventually start carrying you.  Think of anything that moves....first you gotta pick up speed.  Just focus on picking up speed.  

*  Once you've figured out what you can do each day for a month, DO IT.  The physical part of manifesting is your discipline.  The discipline comes from your belief.  Do you see how this all ties into each other?  That's why BELIEVING is the #1 step.

*  Once you've begun your discipline and practice, there will be signs.  Look for them.  Take them seriously.  They may come as a stranger saying the right thing at the right time, you may read something randomly and get "a feeling", you may run into someone you haven't seen in a while, you may see your lucky numbers randomly appearing, you may get an unexpected check in the mail, you may get something for free at Whole Foods, and/or you just may get exactly what you asked for.  Take these as signs that you're on The Path.  Say thank you and keep it moving.  This will help you stay in an attitude of gratitude (important component).  The non-physical part is being able to recognize the unexplainable things that happen around us.  As artists, we can be more sensitive to these things...this is actually our gift.  To see what others cannot see and bring that to the physical.  Don't become a cynic, please.  

*  And just receive.  Receiving doesn't come easy for me.  I like to give.  There's power and control in giving.  I give to whom I want, when I want.  But, receiving...receiving is to surrender.  You have to get vulnerable to receive.  I feel this automatic urge to give back once somebody does something nice for me, says something nice to me.  My roommate always reminds me, "Alex, it's not tit for tat.  I'm doing this for you because I want to."  I'm learning to ask for help and say thank you.   Be willing to receive.  It can be scary not knowing what's going to come your way.  It's ok to be scared of the's normal.  Just be willing, and trust that you will be taken care of.

*  Once you receive, you're going to feel fulfilled.  You will naturally want to give then.  That's just the Natural Law.  Give.  

*  Enjoy finding your rhythm and dance with Life.  2014 is going to be a powerful year for manifesting.  Find your groove.  But in order to find it, you gotta start dancing.  You may feel a little rusty at first.  Normal.  Keep dancing.

Some things to keep in mind while in the process:

*  When I set out to do something, I give it a month, at the very least.  Because it takes 21 days to start a new habit and 40 days to break one.  30 days seem to be the magic # for me.  

*  What's manifesting now is the product of my thoughts from the past.  Sometimes I'm like, "Holy shit!  I forgot I asked for this when I was 15!"  Focus and think about what you want, not what you don't want.  For example, just even start with observing your conversations with others.  Are you talking about what you want or don't want?  This was a game-changer for me....MIND BLOWN.  

*  If you want to start meditating, just know there's no 'right' way to do it.  Just do it.  Also, doesn't matter how long.  Just do it.  I'm having fun with mine right now.  You can free write, you can pray, you can sing your favorite song, you can do a little dance, you can just sit there and look at a candle burning, etc....  For me, it's all about my commitment to carving out time for myself at the beginning of the day to set an intention.  It's to say thank you for waking up another day and this is how I plan on participating in my life today.      

*  When things start to happen, it can happen extremely fast and at once.  Go with the flow.

*  When things start to happen, it can happen extremely slowly and gradually.  Go with the flow.

*  Also, sometimes when things start moving, shit may hit the fan first.  For example, you're trying to get your finances in order and you get three parking tickets in a week.  Things like this happen to me all the time.  Listen, I know it may seem like, "What the f*ck?  I'm trying to do this and you're effing up my game!", or "I can't f*cking win!"  Don't get mad.  Get glad.  Because there's movement, change....that's life.  RECEIVE the movement and don't get too attached to the specific situation.  Get over the initial 'movement', whether you think it's good or bad.  Without judgement, just go with the flow.  It's all a part of the magic that's about to happen.  Stay in it.  

*  And remember it's not about how big or small the action is, it's just about you taking that step.  I promise you.  It really does not matter how big or's your perception of your action.  If you think it's not enough, it's not.  But, if you believe it's more than enough and you're doing your part, at least for the day, at least for now.....your job is done.  You did it.  Now, it's God/The Universe's turn.

*  From my experience, whenever I do my part, which in hindsight always feels like 20-30%, God/The Universe takes care of the other 70-80%.  It seems daunting at first, but, once I commit and start, unspeakable things happen.  Some of my blog posts are about these magical moments.

Right now, I feel in alignment with my Soul's purpose.  Why?  Joseph Campbell teaches about Myths.  There's the hero's journey.  In a nut shell, the hero has a calling.  Denies it.  Accepts it.  Receives help.  Almost dies.  Conquers.  But, that's not where it ends.  His job isn't done until he brings something back to the world.  

I feel like I'm on my hero's journey whenever I write these blog posts.  I feel like I go to places where most do not want to go (shit, I don't even want to go), I learn something, and bring it back.  I go for me first but, I always end up wanting to bring something back.  Whether it's right for you or not, here it is.  This is my dragon I slay each week.  And my job is done.  

But, I hope it works for you.  I hope it's right for you too.  Because then we're connecting.  So, if not like this, commit to finding your own way and begin manifesting.  And then share that with others.   Because I want to see a world where people are manifesting their wildest dreams.  It's possible.  Think about it, in our lifetime, we can say we had nothing to everything, technology wise.  We literally went from only being able to use landlines to communicate, to now having access to the world and the ability to communicate with it in the palm of our hands.  

Guys, we can create a world so magnificent that unicorns will finally walk amongst us.  And it's gonna be like that M and M/Santa commercial...."He does exist.  They do exist."  I love that commercial.  

"You may say I'm a dreamer but, I'm not the only one."    

Have a THRIVING week, peeps.


x Alex

Friday, January 17, 2014

"How To Be A Force Of Nature." Television, Here I Come....Again! Week 3.

Bells is happy it's Friday.

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week....

*  Signed up for two casting director workshops for this month.  Monday is with Michael McCaskey (associate with G. Charles Wright) and next week is with Allen Hooper.  Comedy!  Wish me luck!  I'm also looking into drama sides too now.  I'm gonna do some more drama casting director workshops too...I mean, I booked Criminal Minds.  I've got range, peeps.  :D

*  I'm starting a singer/songwriting class end of this month.  I've always wanted to write my own songs and perform them.  I don't have professional training but, I was always in chorus as a little girl in school.  I just like to sing, dance, and perform.  It's one of those things that scare me...singing in front of, guess what, I'm gonna have to do it now.  

*  SAVE THE DATE!  FEB. 2nd, Sunday at 8pm at Bar Lubistch!  My next spoken word/storytelling show!  Come hear me talk about sex.  I've already started writing a new story.  I'm having fun with it which means, it's gonna be a good one.  Ladies only!  

Now on to the main attraction....

All the people I consider to be successful have something in common.

High energy.  They're a force of nature.

Almost to the point where they can be scattered.  But, they're not.  They channel that shit.  They use it. They're focused.  Watching them, you can feel their aliveness.  "I want to do this, and I want to do that, and I want to do this, and I want to do that."  They may not be able to sit still for long but, they get shit done.  

Suzanne, my writing coach is a Stage 4 breast cancer survivor.  And she's 50.  I'm always like, "Where the hell do you get all your energy?"  The amount of events she invites me to.  I try my best but, damn.  I don't know how she still has time and energy to support others AND take care of herself.  And do it all with a smile.   

Tony Robbins, wish I knew him personally.....but, I'm familiar with his work.  I love it.  When I first started seeing my kinesiologist, Dr. B, he told me he worked on Tony Robbins once.  It was after one of his workshops in LA.  According to Dr. B, Tony Robbins usually sees someone once he's done with his workshops because he puts so much energy into his work that his body gets all out of whack.  He has to see someone to recalibrate, re-adjust, re-align, recharge, and regain balance.    

Point is, they do what's necessary to keep themselves in top shape.  I remember when I first started coaching with Suzanne, she said that she didn't really take care of her self before she found out about her cancer.  She didn't meditate, didn't drink enough water, didn't eat well, and held on to things emotionally.  She said it's quite great that I'm starting all these things now.  

You know what pisses me off though?  I naturally have more energy than anyone but, I realize I do things to drain myself, rather than replenish myself.  It's a form of self-sabotage.  If I'm drained and tired, it's an excuse to not do my work.

For example, smoking cigarettes.  I know.  Usually after a couple drags, I feel it making the cells in my body tired and heavy but, I still smoke the rest of it.  I have over-commitment issues.  I committed to finishing the cigarette so I will follow through even though I don't like it.  It's my perfectionist way of punishing myself.  But, if I do put it out after the couple drags, and walk energy gets replenished.  

Another example, Facebook stalking.  I was obsessed with this guy once and I literally checked his page and pictures a thousand times a day.  Bah hahaha...I mean, seriously.  Cuckoo cuckoo.  :D  Sometimes I'll just leave the tab open on my laptop, take care of others things, open up the tab again to see what he's been up to in the last 3 minutes, ok, go back to doing my thing.  Am I the only one?

Some other things that drain the shit out of me:
1.  Not meditating in the morning
2.  Procrastinating
3.  Being indecisive.  This is soooooo draining for me.  Whenever I'm in limbo.  In between things.  Torn.  Can't seem to make a decision.  Fearful of making the wrong choice.
4.  Road rage
5.  Getting in my head and beating myself up for something that didn't go the way I wanted
6.  Over-committing to things and people
7.  Not being able to keep a promise....especially to myself
8.  Not drinking enough water
9.  Not eating well, or enough, or too much
10.  Over-thinking something or about someone

The thing is, the minute I take my power back, my energy is replenished.  Naturally.  Automatically.  

I haven't worked a 9-5 in a while but, when I did, once I got into the rhythm of it with a day off here and there, I was good.  But, what I do now......putting my heart and soul into each word I write, every word I say in an audition room, being ok with uncertainties, being ok with being seen, or not.  I feel like I'm living my life on the edge.  I don't know about tomorrow....or about later today.  All I have is my truth in this moment.  

And it's draining to dig deep down inside of me....sometimes things I don't want to see come out, sometimes I pleasantly discover a new thing, but, it's constantly shaping me, knocking me down, then shaping me, then knocking me down again, and etc...  

I blog and keep all this documented because I know it's difficult to see the whole picture now but, in hindsight....all this, they're going to pieces of a puzzle that I've been putting together one at a time.  That's my hope.  

So until then, I have to nurture all the energy in me.  Make sure I get the job done, whatever that may be at the moment.  Just gotta do my best.

These are some things that replenishes my energy:
1.  Meditating in the mornings
2.  Making a To Do list
3.  Checking off my To Do list
4.  Getting in the zone when I'm writing
5.  Only using social media for genuine interactions....not one-way stalkings
6.  Taking Bells out
7.  Breathing
8.  Taking a 20 minute cat nap
9.  Going for a run
10.  Having great conversations with strangers
11.  Dancing to my favorite songs in front of the mirror
12.  Singing out loud while driving
13.  The Korea spa
14.  Drinking plenty of water
15.  Eating healthy small portions throughout the day
16.  Making a decision
17.  Finally doing that thing I have been putting off...calling/texting/emailing someone back, paying those parking tickets, writing that masterpiece, signing up for workshops, working out, going to see the doctor/dentist, etc.

I have to have high energy to do what I came here to do.  I take that back, actually, I want to see what I'm capable of, and access that.  My optimum potential is waiting.  Because the more I 'get involved' in my career and life, things happen...things start moving, and I want to be able to move with it, keep up with it.  

We all have an abundance of natural energy.  We all have the ability to be a force of nature.  We can actually draw energy from elsewhere too, if we wanted.  You just gotta know how energy works and listen to your body.  Start small.  And recognize the subtleties too.  Are you feeling drained or replenished?  In this moment, what small thing can you do to replenish yourself or stop draining yourself?  

I don't know how yet but, I plan on becoming a force of nature this year.  How about you?

Wishing you a THRIVING week, peeps.


x Alex

Thursday, January 9, 2014

"Thank You But, No Thank You." Television, Here I Come...Again! Week 2.

I drew that heart on my finger. 

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week.....

*  SAVE THE DATE!  February 2nd, Sunday, I will be performing LIVE at Bar Lubistch for SUNDAY NIGHT SEX TALKS again!!  I'm getting nervous and excited.  You all know about my stage fright.  :/

*  By next post, I'll have signed up for some casting director workshops.  I gotta plug it into my calendar before I'm ready.   Keep you posted which ones I sign up for.

Now on to the main attraction.....

I have all my reps in place and I'm going out more.  It's great but, the more I go out, I see that I don't want some of them.

It's actually scary when I don't want something.  I think, "Oh dear, do I NOT want this?  Why?  Who do you think you are?  You're suppose to take whatever you can get.  You never know where this will lead.  You're suppose to SEIZE EVERY OPPORTUNITY!!"

I think whoever made that one up forgot, 'Seize Every Opportunity ONLY IF YOU WANT TO'.

Seriously, what is the point of pursuing something if your heart is not invested??  It's like dating somebody for the sake of dating?  You know this isn't going know you guys have nothing in know you're not even that attracted to him............whyyyyy are you doing this?????

I've lived a chunk of my life seizing shit I didn't want to seize because it would make others around me happy.  I can't do that shit no more.  How about you make yourself happy and I make myself happy?  Let's just worry about our own damn selves.

Hahaha, which reminds me of a guy I dated, Bryan.  Bryan, if you're reading this, hi!  Anyways, Bryan and I would say to each other, "You're never responsible for my happiness.  That's my job."

I'm doing my job.   I'm invested in my happiness and what my heart wants.

But, what the hell does my heart want?

My heart's a lil rusty when it comes to differentiating what I really want vs.  what I think I want.  It takes practice knowing what you want.  It seems so simple but, it's first.  I believe it will get so much easier.

But, it's like learning to walk again.  My heart is re-learning how to communicate, process, and heal.  My heart is learning to be its own heart.  Being constantly told as a child, "You're too young.  You don't know anything.  I know what's best for you."

Woof.  Made me a very very angry little girl.

I'm starting fresh every day.  Who the hell knows what I want today?  The only thing I can do is check in with my heart each day, moment to moment.

All I know is, I'm sick of pushing myself to do things I don't want to do.  Plain and simple.

People will have their opinions.  People already have opinions.

I'm sick of worrying about opinions too.

I don't know what kind of persona I'll be reinventing myself as this year.  It feels like I'm kind of morphing into Kanye West and Nicki Minaj, privately.  I listen to their music and pump my head up.  Maybe all that cockiness is rubbing off on me and this year, I'm gonna talk maaaad shit.  Hahaha.  The thought of that makes me laugh.

Actually, I'm laughing.  Maniacally.

And actually, it feels liberating.

Oh, I don't know, guys.

What the hell are we all doing anyway?

Why do we get up in the mornings?  To prove something?  To whom?

Where my chai latte at?

I'm in my head already.

Getting out of it so I can get some stuff done.


It's a trap if you believe artists should just take any work that comes their way.  I don't believe that at all.  Yes, you gotta pay your dues but, you don't have to force anything.  I believe that I work hard on my craft.  And because I do, I know where I can use more experience and knowledge.  I'll be the judge of where I pay my dues.  I believe that I do have something specific and unique to me.  And it's my right as the artist and talent to choose where I want to showcase that.

So, that's where I'm at right now.

Being ok with the fact that I don't want every job.  Saying "Thank you but, no thank you."  It seems so counterintuitive to not want something but, that helps me see what I DO want.  And go after that.....wholeHEARTedly.  There's nothing like the power that comes from you when you and your heart are on the same page.

Have a THRIVING week, peeps.


x Alex

Friday, January 3, 2014

First Post Of 2014, The Year Of Magic. "Television, Here I Come...Again!" Week 1.

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week.....

*  Happy 2014 you guys!  Hope you all had a spectacular holiday season.  Back to the grind, as they say.  Let's do this sh*t.

*  SAVE THE DATE:  February 2nd.  Doing another live storytelling show, SUNDAY NIGHT SEX TALK.  For ladies only.  More deets coming soon.

*  Monthly readership has doubled in the last two months.  Whoooooaaaaaaaa.  The Diary Of The THRIVING Actress is getting almost 5,000 views a month now!  How the, and who are you people??!!!  I feel like I'm talking to people from another dimension...a parallel Universe.  Thank you, wherever you are.  :)

*  I want to say thank you to everyone for supporting me and FAME'US Magazine.  Unfortunately, I am longer working with them.  I know.  Why?  What happened?  I may write about this in the future since there were so many things I learned.  However, I'm taking some time to get a little distance from it first.  Nonetheless, I am so appreciative to you all and hopefully 2014 brings lots of new collaborations.

Now on to the main attraction.....

After you turn 25, the years just fly by, don't they?

I can't believe I'm already in my thirties.  I can't believe my Bells is going to turn 10 in March and I've had her since she was 2 months old.  Seriously, where and how does the time go like that?

Time doesn't stop.

In fact, my roommate told me about a watch called the "Tikker, The Happiness Watch" coming out in April of this year that counts down to your death.  "Tikker uses a common algorithm used by the federal government to figure a person's life expectancy."  Click here to read more about it.

I think it's cool.  Yes, it can seem morbid but, it's a complete paradigm shift.  I heard or read once that when some cancer patients hear they have X many days left to live, something in them shifts.  Pretty immediately.  I think it may have been Eckart Tolle in A New Earth.  They go from Ego to their Higher Self.  They see things more clearly.  They see what really matters in life.  They begin living.  And you've heard stories where simply by living a better quality of life, they kick cancer in its ass.

I think it's worth a try.  It's $79.  I'll let you know if I get one.  It may actually help me develop a better relationship with Time.

One of my goals this year.......Appreciate the time I have and not take it for granted.  Time with the people I love and care about and my Bells, time I spend doing things I love, and the time alone.

Speaking of goals, I'm easing into it.

For some reason, my heart just wants to do things OTHER than acting more this year.  Like finally go to the shooting range (yes, I want to shoot some guns), go to South by Southwest, finally go visit my sister in Houston, go back to pole dancing, travel more whether it's near or far...just places I've never been, go watch more movies at the theater, sleep more, smile more to strangers, go trapeze-ing, get a bicycle, read more books, try out more restaurants, and go out with friends more even if it's to the bar (I'm a huge homebody and I don't like alcohol much).  Basically, just get the f*ck out of my house more.

I feel like I'm at my prime and I don't take advantage of it as much as I want.  I also want to date more this year.  I want to stop being scared of and sabotaging anything from happening with guys I really really like.  Let's grow up this year, Alex.  If you want a grown ass man, you gotta be a grown ass woman.  I believe in you.

On the career front, what I really want to focus on is to work on set more....television and film, especially television.  I want to see some cha-chings, you know what I'm sayin?  I want to concentrate on training with Lesly Kahn more, and book some shiet....more co-stars and a guest-star or two.  This also means, back to casting director workshops.  I want to cultivate some solid relationships with a few casting offices.  I want to slowly start building a reputation and rapport with them.  I want to make sure my skill level is consistently up to par, and I want casting directors to feel confident about bringing me in.  I definitely want to be the Go-To Hot N Funny Asian Chick.  So possible!!

2014 has a good ring to it.  I have a feeling it brings with it lots of MAGIC and MANIFESTATION.  My writing coach, Suzanne declared last year as The Year Of Living Miraculously.  And she did.  She fell in love and got married in a year, got her first series regular role on cable, she received unexpected money, started her own coaching class, and a bunch of other things in between.  I know because I've been there to see it all happen.  I know how powerful your mind and intention can be.

This is my intention for 2014.  I want to manifest things like crazy and live so magically that people start thinking I may be a unicorn.  

All I know is I'm so happy to have this place.....this is my happy place.  I hope this place makes you happy too.  Thank you for visiting me this week.  I love you guys!!  Let's figure out 2014 together and see how we can manifest more magic into our lives.  :)

Here's to another THRIVING week and year.


x Alex