Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Fear and Me, We Have A Great Relationship". Live Shows, Here I Come! Week 44.

Dear Diary, 

Here's my offering to you this week....

*  I'm going to be playing a bigger 'role' with FAME'US Magazine.  I am super excited.  I will have more details in the next couple weeks.  All I know is, I have been asking for this...I have been preparing for this.  "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity".  A-men.  :D

*  Are we not friends and followers of one another on social media??  What are we waiting for?!  I'm a Facebook and Instagram gal.  Connect with me!

Now on to the main attraction....

Inconsistency brings up fear.

Fear can look like this for me:  debilitation, repression, depression, and addiction.

Taking action dissolves that fear because taking action is an act of LOVE.

LOVE always dissolves fear.

But, I welcome fear.  Because fear isn't bad.

Fear is good if you choose to respect it for what it is.

It's your teacher.

It will show you the way.

You're not going to want to go.

But, you DO want to go.

Do you know that?  Can you admit to that?  Can you commit to that?

So, you just gotta have courage.

The courage to meet fear, the courage to dissolve fear, the courage to LOVE yourself, the courage to believe that you're here for something MAGNIFICENT.

It's scary, isn't it?  To LOVE and BELIEVE in yourself that much?  So much to take action on behalf of your dream?

I know.

But, accept that it's scary, and STILL GO.

Take a small step.  Small steps add up to miles eventually.

Who knows?  Maybe you'll start running after a step or two.

Just be consistent.

Build the momentum.  The momentum will carry you.

Consistency gives you power.  It gives you your power back.

With consistency, taking action gets easier.

It takes practice, and it's A practice.

Everything in life is a practice.

Don't give up on yourself so easily.  Don't give up on your dream so easily.

Life, God, The Universe doesn't play favorites.

It keeps it real and impersonal.  It gives you what you give to it.

What are you willing to give?  What are you willing to receive?

You're just as capable, you're just as special as anyone you consider to be successful.

Keep practicing.

Just know that fear will always show up when something means that much to you.

Say 'Ahhhh, I see.  Thank You.'

And then, MOVE.

Enjoy the journey.  Enjoy the fears.  Enjoy the steps.  Enjoy the miles.

I'm back to doing casting director workshops.  I signed up again as scary as it is.  I have one this  Saturday.  I don't know why it scares me so much.  I know once I get into the habit of it, I'll be fine.  It's just starting back up again.  And I know the me post-workshop will thank me for it.  I'm with me.  Are you with you?

Have a THRIVING week, peeps.


x Alex

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