Tuesday, September 24, 2013

'Magical Spaces' Live Shows, Here I Come! Week 38 and 39

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week....

*  I signed up for Lesly Kahn's Clinic.  It's what you take for a month after the Intensive, before moving into her Ongoing.  I learned so much and I want to make sure it becomes second nature for me.  The last scene I did for the Intensive, Lesly said I was 'an epiphany'.  She said she now knew who I was, the actress I was.  And I knew she was telling the truth because I felt free.  I was showing who I was.  It's always a lovely feeling to be seen.

And my classmates.....falling in love with these new peeps in my life.  

Now on to the main attraction....

My accountability buddy this month has been having breakthroughs after breakthroughs.  And they're manifesting into her physical reality.  Literally in a week, her mind, body, and Soul has undergone a 180.

Listening to her stories and epiphanies hit home with me.

She's in her magical space.

I know that magical space.

It's effortless.  It's exciting.  It's peaceful.  It's fun.  It's synchronistic.  It's poetic.  It's surreal.  It's REAL.  The MAGICAL space is REAL.

That's how we're meant to live, you know.  REALLY MAGICALLY.  MAGICALLY REAL.

I'm learning my ways to do that.

I miss that space though.  I'm not in it right now.  Actually I go in and out of it.

I have days where I'm like, "Fuck yeah.  I'm the next Asian sensation".  Then couple hours later, "What if I just slip through the cracks and I never make it?"  Or, "Hey, I kind of like being single right now.  I want to experience what I want to experience when I want to."  Then couple hours later, "Damn, what if this shit backfires on me and I'm 80 years old, looking back and kicking myself for it?"

Still working through my inner conflicts.  One day at a time, Alex.

It was nice to hear her talk about it and enjoy being in it with awe, gratitude, hope, and curiosity.  It rubbed off on me.  It reminded me of that space that I love being in.  I belong in.  Where we all belong in.  It's a great freaking space.

You know that Marianne Williamson quote?  By her being in her magical space, it elevated my mood and inspired me to get back to my magical space.  Another lesson to shine your light whenever you can....because you just may be helping a fellow Soul.

So, how do I get back into my magical space?

It's all about energy.  

If you feel blocked somewhere, you probably are.  Figure out where the block is and do something (doesn't matter big or small...just commit to it) about it every day for a month.  You can thank me later.

There's always an exchange of energies that take place.  If you want something new, just make room for it.  Nature can expand a bit but, it abhors a vacuum.  The millisecond a space is created, Nature will fill it.  Make sure it fills it with something you want.


Start preparing for what you want.

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity".   - Seneca, Roman philosopher

You'll see, the more you prepare, the more opportunities will open up.  Or maybe you'll just see more opportunities because you're prepared.  Regardless, just get ready.

Here are a couple of my magical spaces.

My accountability buddy said to go back and watch some of my magical vlogs and/or go back to my magical blog posts.  To remember.  To feel that again.

Do you remember when my vlog was on Steven Pressfield's site for a week?  And he and I became friends.  I'm friends with one of my favorite writers?!  Then he introduced me to Robert McKee and we all had dinner.  Uhhhhh....I had dinner with two world-renown writers??!!  Yes, I did!

Here's the original video.

And here's the follow-up video.

Then, when I fell in 'love at first sight'.  It was the one and only time it has ever happened to me.  I swear, just our eyes met.  I looked away because I felt like I got caught, then looked back to only see his eyes again.  Freaked me out so bad, because now I got caught twice, I ran.  I seriously ran away.  But, he came after me and we connected on a magical and rare level.  It felt so easy and perfect.

Magical things can happen.  Again and again and again.  They're happening all the time.  Anything is possible.  I may have days where I curse it all but, deep down, I believe....I believe in MAGIC.

Wishing you a week in your MAGICAL space-aaaah!


x Alex



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