Wednesday, August 7, 2013

'Girl, Where You At?!' Live Shows, Here I Come! Week 32.

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week.....

*  In case you're wondering if I heard back from that magical audition....not yet.  Feature films don't move fast like television does.  It can take anywhere from hours to months.  Keep those fingers and toes crossed for me.  God/Universe, I'd like a callback please, thank you.  ;)

*  THRIVING TIP:  After a big audition, KEEP IT MOVING to stay sane.  Figure out what your next move is and do it.  Go on with your life.  Keep creating.  Keep writing.  Keep acting.  Keep collaborating.  Have patience without waiting.

Having said that,

All I'm doing is fantasizing......hard.

Now on to the main attraction.......

Let's do something fun this week.  Let's make a time capsule.

I remember my first one.  I was in elementary school.  It was the beginning of the school year.  I think it was Mr. Farley.  He was such a nerd.  He made this box.  Actually, it could have just been a shoe box.  We each wrote a letter to ourselves, I sealed mine with SWAK (Sealed With A Kiss) and put it into the box.  The box was then going to be locked up in his office until the end of the school year, and will be returned to us.  I thought, "Wow, what a concept."

Since then, I have always kept a diary or a journal.  It's very funny and serendipitous that my blog is called The Diary Of The THRIVING Actress.  I love documenting moments in my life and being able to go back to see how far I've come.  Or sometimes to remember who I am.

I recently went back to my very first blog post.  Are you curious?  Click Here.  Keep in mind that my blog was called The Diary Of The Climbing Actress then.  Since I'm a believer in The Law Of Attraction, I changed the name so that I'm no longer climbing but, THRIVING.

I also went back to my first VLOG (video blog) ever!

So, here's what we're doing.

We're going to write a letter to ourselves.  Write whatever you want.  You can write down goals.  You can go on an angry rant.  Or you can just ask questions like, 'Hi.  How are you?  How's the weather?  How are you feeling today?', etc.  Date it and time it.  Put it in an envelope, seal it, and put it somewhere you can forget about it but, not forget about where you put it....because the whole point of this is to find it later.

We're going to forget about this for 6 months.  When the six months is up, we'll return to our time capsule.  I'm going to set up an alert for it on my phone.  So, it's February 7, 2014.  I will let you know when time's up.  Let's do it together!

Dear February 7, 2014 Alex,

Girl, where you at?  How the heck is life?  

Right now, I'm rushing to get this post out.  I got so hungry I went and got some oatmeal and a caramel latte from McDonald's.  Are you still going to McDonald's?  I just go there because of the Drive Thru.  I'm lazy.  Are you still lazy?  It's ok if you are.  Skin's clearing up.  Face is so clear and so happy these days.  But, I do think it cleared up from not eating.  My appetite's coming back though, I haven't been hungry for a week now.  

I'm going to start editing my comedy reel this week.  I'm also creating and developing two characters, Wacky Jackie and Fancy Nancy.  How's that coming along?  Have you made lots of videos?

This last month was good.  Booked a commercial and went on my first big budget movie audition.  Did you book it???  How was filming???  

I'm so curious where I'll be in six months.  I hope you're doing very well.

I love you very much.  Always.  See you in six months.

x August 7, 2013 Alex

That's it.  Short and sweet.

Have a THRIVING week, peeps!


x Alex

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