Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"Small Steps Lead To BIG Dreams". Live Shows, Here I Come! Week 15.

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week......

*  My next show peeps!!!  So excited and nervous.  Ga ga ga ga gaaaaa.  Save The Date!  SUNDAY, MAY 5TH.  Doors open @ 8pm.  Show starts @ 8:30pm.  It's called SUNDAY NIGHT SEX TALKS.  Four women, four stories.  It's a wonderful venue.  Unfortunately, NO BOYS ALLOWED.  It's only for ladies.  How cool is that?!  It's so underground, I love it!  I will post more deets as we get closer to the date.

*  Went to another Nerium AD event.  My friends are little by little jumping on the bandwagon since they're seeing for themselves how fabulous my skin is.  Yaaay to gorgeous skin!

Now on to the main attraction......

I've been watching more Tony Robbins youtube videos.  I came across this one video where Tony explains that when you feel like things aren't going right, you're probably a millimeter away.

He uses golf as an example.  Tony only took up golfing because his kids like to play.  First day, Tony was kicking ass.  Second day, he was sucking.  The ball just kept going into the water.  He said he was getting so frustrated when the instructor came over and said, "You know, you're just a few millimeters away."  A millimeter can mean your ball going into the green, the water, or the sand.  A slight adjustment can mean a whole lotta difference.

I understood this, intellectually.  Until, I was in my Kundalini class.  We were doing a very simple exercise.  Have you ever made a snow angel?  Or have you ever done some jumping jacks?  That's what it looks like except you're sitting in easy pose.  Seems simple enough, right?  Well, try doing that for 3 minutes straight, all the while you're doing the breath of fire (heavy breathing through your nose). My arms were hurting, my nose was hurting.  I just wanted out of the damn exercise.  At the same time, I wanted to stay in it because I knew I could.   At that point, it wasn't about "Am I going to stay in it or quit?" but, it was about, "How can I stay in it?  What can I do to finish?"

I was making all kinds of adjustments.  Slowing it down a little bit.  Going faster.  Sitting up a little taller.  Slouching shortly after.  Not raising my arms all the way up.  Then raising it all the way up.  Thinking about something pleasant.  Thinking about something that makes me angry.  Trying not to think at all.  I found some sort of relief from each adjustment.  Then, just when I found my groove again, the exercise was done.  I was proud of myself for staying in it.

Even with my skin.  I love my skin now but, for 15 years, I hated it and I was ashamed of it.  Growing up with cystic acne was extremely painful.  During the 15 years, I HAVE tried everything and nothing worked (for long) so I was too discouraged to believe clear skin was even possible for me.  I figured if these big and expensive changes (lasers, antiobiotics, Accutane, etc...) aren't working for me, then small changes will definitely not do anything.  Now, in hindsight, I see how the small and gradual changes were KEY to having clear skin.  I started drinking more water, then I started drinking less cold water and more warm to hot water, then I started putting lemon in my water.  I changed my diet.  I changed my sleep pattern.  I began using my body more, yoga, working out, sweating, and releasing toxins from my body.  I began writing more, expressing, and emotionally processing and releasing toxins from my mind and heart.  This whole process started about 4 or 5 years ago.  I didn't tackle everything at once (I tried).  I started with one and then kept building on top of that.  Four or five years ago, I would have said, "No way, it's gonna take me that long?"  Today, I'm saying, "Thank God!"

Remember last week I put up one of Tony Robbins's quotes?
"People who fail focus on what they have to go through; people who succeed focus on what it will feel like at the end."

Keep your eye on the prize.  Nothing is built overnight.  Anything and everything sustainable takes time.  If you want longevity with your career, give it equal time to prepare for it, to nurture an environment for it, every day, in every small way you can.  Don't wait for conditions to be better for you to start.  It's already perfect.  It's just waiting for you to see that.  Figure out what steps you need to take to get there.  Then begin.  Leave no small action not taken.  Every small step counts.  Each action carries you to the next action.  From where you are, take a step.  From where you are, tweak and re-adjust.  From where you are, begin.  Don't be afraid to begin.  And don't be afraid to do it over and over and over again.  I'll leave you with another Tony Robbins quote.

"When it seems impossible, when it seems like nothing is going to work, you're usually just a few millimeters away from making it happen."

You get the point, yah?

So, what millimeter of change can you make today?  

Have a fun week of making small, long lasting changes!  

with MAD LOVE,

x Alex

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for this, I watched my first Tony Robbins Video - Wow, great stuff.

    All what I needed to hear right now.
