Monday, January 3, 2011

Television, here I come!

Happy New Year!

If there is ONE goal for you this year, what would it be?

Me? I want to book a television show. Either guest star, co-star, or recurring. Heck, why not book a regular?!?!?! Last year, I wanted to book a commercial. I booked THREE. How did I do it? I got specific about what I wanted and followed a plan.

For example, I had a commercial agent but, wasn't getting sent out for auditions. I asked my agent if there was anything I could do on my end and she advised that I get new headshots. So, I took new headshots and uploaded a new main pic to my LA Casting account. Whaddya know, I was now getting called in. As happy as I was to get auditions through my agent, I realized that I was doing a disservice to her and myself by going to them unprepared. You see, there is sort of a formula to commercial auditioning...and I'm not talking about being cheesy. Technical stuff to help you be more IMPACTFUL than the next actor. So, I signed up for Chris Game's 4-week commercial workshop. The rest is history. Now, I get sent out regularly for commercial auditions and I have great relationships with a few casting offices who call me in constantly. Now, I'm free to focus on my theatrical goals!

Here's my stat as of January 2011.
* Non-union
* No theatrical representation (no manager or agent)
* No reel

All good. Why? Where there's a will, there's a way.
And lucky for me, many shows nowadays are AFTRA. So, SAG or no SAG, I have a fair shot.

Ok, so I want to book a t.v show...that's my big goal for this year. I have some prerequisites to handle before I can book a show. For example, get my new headshot printed and revise my resume. That's this week's goal. Start small, and just do do do! Sooner or later, I'll be booking my shows!!! Wait and seeeeeeeeee!

So, what's your big goal? What can you do little by little to help you achieve that? Patience and perserverance. Do this with me. Set your weekly goal and check in with me next week!
Yay! Let's get to working! :)



  1. Shoot at least once a week! :) Expand my port and onto the bigger plans!

    Let's see, big goal for the year - work on a movie set!

  2. Go Dimpz!!!! You're gonna do it! Check my blogs weekly and do this with me! I wish I knew who this was. hahaha. :)
