Sunday, January 23, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 4.

                                                       Photo by Click West Photo

This week has been full of Good News. 
Do you remember the last blog post of 2010?  I dedicated it to quotes that have inspired, motivated, and changed me.  I have a quote on the wall of my room that I typed up and put a big frame around.  This particular quote is the 'Quote of my Life'. 

"The moment one definitely commits oneself then Providence moves too.  All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred...unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way."
                                                                                       Johann Wolfang Von Goethe

This really does happen to me EVERY time.  I'm amazed at how God/Universe keeps its promise. 

So, I'd like to say a BIG Thank You.

Thank You God/Universe.

Thank You Jenni Smith.  Jenni emailed me immediately after I posted the last blog.  She read my blog and saw that I was researching, to make my job easier, she sent me the list of all AFTRA shows.  You're the best.

Thank you Anna Moon.  Anna introduced me to  Did you know that you can get up-to-date information on ANY show or project?  This is the best for research and contact information.  I signed up for it.  It's $9.95 per month or $39.95 for a year.  I did the year thing.  I believe every penny spent towards my career is an investment.  :) 

Thank You Adam Ward.  Adam called me THAT night I posted the last blog to ask if I was SAG.  I said "No", and he asked if I wanted to get Taft-Hartleyed.  Whaaaaaaaaaat?!?!  Adam is producing and directing a webisode, and under SAG's New Media Contract, they can Taft-Hartley a non-union actor without paying a fee.  I read the script and we shoot next month.  Guys!  I'm getting Taft-Hartleyed!  I AM GETTING TAFT-HARTLEYED!!!!!  AAAAHHHHHHHHH!  This means I'll be SAG-eligible, which means, a whole new world of opportunities for me.  I think I'm going to cry. 

And because I have always believed in Paying It Forward, I'm doing what I can daily to be of assistance but, I hope someday, I can help BIG.  Hey, for those of you reading this, if there is anything I can do for you, please ask.  It would be my pleasure.  :)

I got to experience again, firsthand, the relationship between cause and effect.  Because I took action, something happened as a result.  I'm reading OUTLIERS by Malcolm Gladwell.  He talks about the connection between effort and reward.  Keep doing what you love, and the Universe will reward you more with what you love.  It's that simple.  Oh gosh, I'm so grateful, my heart may burst sometimes.

Ok, now to the logistics.

Last Week's Goal:  Contact One-Person Workshop and Research AFTRA shows.

Update:  Done and DONE!
I missed the first day of class because I was shooting the Hotwire commercial.  They were nice to let me take a make-up class.  That was Saturday.  I loved it. 
And thanks to Jenni, I have a list already of all the AFTRA shows.  Now what?

This Week's Goal:  I'm choosing a few shows to target and I'm sending out my first round of mailers.  Since I got my new headshots printed, let's go with that first.  I'm going to write a simple cover letter to go with it and mail those babies out!  Oh, I'm only a number...7.  Lucky 7.  I'm only going to target 7 shows.  Thank you to Dallas Travers who taught me to 'Do Less, More Often'.  She's my Creative Coach.  She's amazing and because of her, I have a game plan.  She's someone every actor/actress should know.

One more Vlogging (Video Blogs) is going through some changes...well, I am.  So, I'm contemplating whether I should just stick with Blogging instead of both.  I want to be able to stick with one thing and do it well and put my everything into it.  So, perhaps Vlogging will happen as a bonus.  So, look forward to my Blogs everyone!

How was your week?  Anything cool or amazing happened?  Anything you're super grateful for?  If you look for it, it will be there.  And remember, if there's anything I can do, let a sister know.  :)

with LOVE,



  1. you should post your vlogs on your blog entries. it makes it easier to follow you, especially for people who dont check their youtube subscriptions often.

  2. My VLOGS are on top of the page! You see the 'Powered by Youtube'? thing??? It's all linked now! :)

  3. Great Alexandra! Have always loved that providence quote. And love your Vlogs! I just got a Flip cam today so I'm set me-self. Woohoo! ;)

  4. Love it! You are going to rock it. It feels so good to have a goal, right? Mine is a guest star by March 1st! Would love to hang out again and talk goals ;) Lots of fun tonight. Great meeting you.
