Sunday, January 9, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 2.

Happy Monday.

First of all, HOW FRIGGIN COOL IS MY NEW BLOG PAGE!!!  I re-vamped deserved one.  My VLOGS are now linked with my BLOGS!  Look up.  You see my YOUTUBE videos???  Hollaaaaaaa!

Last week's goal: Get new headshots printed and revise resume.

Update: Done and DONE!

I got my headshots printed at Reproductions.
I've been going to them for some years now...Tommy, who helps me out is the bomb-diggity.
I updated both Commercial and Theatrical. I'm so excited because I love my new headshots. Who took my headshots?? John Allen Phillips - Click West Photography. Check out their website...I'm the 'face' or the 'home' girl. Yay!

I also revised my resume. Booked some amazing projects in the last 6 months and wanted to include those credits. My oh I like my resume now. Before, I used to try filling up the page (due to lack of credits) with crazy fonts here and there and now, no crazy fonts necessary. :)
Very professional looking.

So, what's on the agenda for this week?
This Week's Goal:
Since my mom and sister are in town until the 15th, I'm keeping it simple.

1. Get specific. Remember my goal for this year? It's to book a t.v show! Soooooo, I'm going to make a list of my favorite television shows or shows I can see myself on. I'm going to list as many as I can because since I'm non-union, I may have to "86" some shows... and target mainly AFTRA shows.

2. 'One-Person Show' workshop! Thanks Brian for letting me know about this one...I've been talking about wanting to do a one-person show for like forrrrreverrrrrrr. I don't know why but, it's been calling me...I daydream about my One-Person Show all the time, usually when I'm driving and/or listening to music. I know I will do it one day...I know it. But, to get one step closer, I'm going to sign up for the workshop. It's 4-weeks with Julie Brister, who teaches at Upright Citizens Brigade. Wish me luck...there were a couple of spots left. Fingers crossed...nah, I got this already. :)

I have some cool things going on this and next month! Be sure to check my blogs weekly and vlogs monthly!

So, what's your goal for this week??? Keep it simple like me if you have to. We have allllllllll year. :)

With LOVE,
