Photo by Cammy Kinney Photography
This past week, I took Dylann Brander's Intensive Workshop. She's the Head CD (Casting Director) of Law and Order: Los Angeles and Hawthorne. I definitely walked out of there learning something..well, actually, feeling something. I will share that with you but, first, here are some links and/or websites that are too cool not to mention.
They have been thoroughly helpful to me...I KNOW they will help you too.
Do you remember in my Week 3 Blog where I mentioned Ben Whitehair writing an amazing blog about you and your IMDB Starmeter?? Here it is! Plus, his blogs in general are super fun and informative so give it a read. Trust me.
Alex's Info is a FREE newsletter for us actors. Alexandra (no, not me...she's a friend though) is extremely dedicated to helping other actors and it's pretty obvious when you subscribe to her daily emails. The info she provides is so amazing. Everything from 'Casting' to 'Where to get the cheapest gas'! I love waking up in the mornings to see what she emailed. Thank you Alexandra. :)
And, there's Brains of Minerva. Founded by Sarah Sido and Claire Winters...these two ladies are like your 'Big Sisters' in this industry. I found out about Ben Whitehair through them. Their articles are very informative as well, and insightful. They address alot of issues and questions that I'm sure all actors have. Another, trust me.
Oh, and I'm attending an event sponsored by them. February 13th at the Bootleg Theater. Here's the link.
It's a Q and A with a great group of panelists - Risa Bramon Garcia
Thomas Wheeler
James Frain
and Keith David
And there will be cocktail party after. It will be an intimate evening so you will get what you want to get out of it. I'm so ready for this. Oooooh! There's a Discount Code: BRAINY
Hope to see you there.
What did I learn from Dylann Brander or from the workshop??
If there is one thing...I have to say....Boy, am I glad that I did it.
You see, I was once the Anti-workshop/showcase girl. Why should I pay someone to see me act? I still get it but, I realized that it's a business after all. There is a game being played and if I don't play it on some level, my chances of making it here are pretty slim. I'm not in a position, not just yet, to 'fight the system'.
Now, if you're like me, a non-union actor without theatrical representation, chances of Dylann calling you into that room to audition for something....slim to none. Why? Keep in mind every office is different...Dylann's office, they only accept electronic submissions....and this is through Breakdown Services. This is what the managers and agents get when they need to cast roles. Of course, there are those who pay someone to get it but, let's just stick to the traditional way. Dylann even flat out told us that she never looks at hard copy submissions. She's a straight-shooter. But, again, every office is different so I wasn't too discouraged. But, I realized that because of the workshop, I 'upped' my chances a bit. That's all I wanted...just a chance. And of course, whatever happens, happens. But, everyday, my goal is to 'up' my chances. After all....I've said this before and I'll say it again, because I believe this with my whole this business, you just never know. :)
So, my lesson here was, stay open to all opportunities that come my way. This doesn't mean I'm signing up for every workshop in town but, I'm saying 'Yes' more and 'No' less. I'm being more business savvy rather than being cynical. Try things out...possibilities are endless.
Having said this, perfect segue to....
Last Week's Goal: Mail out headshot and resume to 7 offices.
Update: Here's my confession, I mailed out to 10 offices. Why? I remembered there were 3 casting directors I had met last year and I wanted to stay in touch with them. Two were through workshops and one, I went in to read for them. Staying in touch and cultivating a relationship with CD's are important to me. I haven't done too much of it but, I'm starting this year.
This Week's Goal: My homework assignment for my One-Person Show workshop, work on my vision board ( I bought a HUGE canvas and some paint), figure out what I'm going to do with my VLOGS, and get ready for meetings I have for this week. And then, I'm going to try to squeeze in a Korean Spa session. I think I deserve it. :)
So, what are you doing for this week? I know it's hard sometimes to give yourself a break but, you deserve it too. Just carve out a little time this week...even if it's one hour for the whole week, just do it. You will thank you. And let's touch base next week refreshed and ready to hustle again.
with LOVE,
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Television, here I come! Week 4.
Photo by Click West Photo
This week has been full of Good News.
Do you remember the last blog post of 2010? I dedicated it to quotes that have inspired, motivated, and changed me. I have a quote on the wall of my room that I typed up and put a big frame around. This particular quote is the 'Quote of my Life'.
"The moment one definitely commits oneself then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred...unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way."
Johann Wolfang Von Goethe
This really does happen to me EVERY time. I'm amazed at how God/Universe keeps its promise.
So, I'd like to say a BIG Thank You.
Thank You God/Universe.
Thank You Jenni Smith. Jenni emailed me immediately after I posted the last blog. She read my blog and saw that I was researching, to make my job easier, she sent me the list of all AFTRA shows. You're the best.
Thank you Anna Moon. Anna introduced me to Did you know that you can get up-to-date information on ANY show or project? This is the best for research and contact information. I signed up for it. It's $9.95 per month or $39.95 for a year. I did the year thing. I believe every penny spent towards my career is an investment. :)
Thank You Adam Ward. Adam called me THAT night I posted the last blog to ask if I was SAG. I said "No", and he asked if I wanted to get Taft-Hartleyed. Whaaaaaaaaaat?!?! Adam is producing and directing a webisode, and under SAG's New Media Contract, they can Taft-Hartley a non-union actor without paying a fee. I read the script and we shoot next month. Guys! I'm getting Taft-Hartleyed! I AM GETTING TAFT-HARTLEYED!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH! This means I'll be SAG-eligible, which means, a whole new world of opportunities for me. I think I'm going to cry.
And because I have always believed in Paying It Forward, I'm doing what I can daily to be of assistance but, I hope someday, I can help BIG. Hey, for those of you reading this, if there is anything I can do for you, please ask. It would be my pleasure. :)
I got to experience again, firsthand, the relationship between cause and effect. Because I took action, something happened as a result. I'm reading OUTLIERS by Malcolm Gladwell. He talks about the connection between effort and reward. Keep doing what you love, and the Universe will reward you more with what you love. It's that simple. Oh gosh, I'm so grateful, my heart may burst sometimes.
Ok, now to the logistics.
Last Week's Goal: Contact One-Person Workshop and Research AFTRA shows.
Update: Done and DONE!
I missed the first day of class because I was shooting the Hotwire commercial. They were nice to let me take a make-up class. That was Saturday. I loved it.
And thanks to Jenni, I have a list already of all the AFTRA shows. Now what?
This Week's Goal: I'm choosing a few shows to target and I'm sending out my first round of mailers. Since I got my new headshots printed, let's go with that first. I'm going to write a simple cover letter to go with it and mail those babies out! Oh, I'm only a number...7. Lucky 7. I'm only going to target 7 shows. Thank you to Dallas Travers who taught me to 'Do Less, More Often'. She's my Creative Coach. She's amazing and because of her, I have a game plan. She's someone every actor/actress should know.
One more Vlogging (Video Blogs) is going through some changes...well, I am. So, I'm contemplating whether I should just stick with Blogging instead of both. I want to be able to stick with one thing and do it well and put my everything into it. So, perhaps Vlogging will happen as a bonus. So, look forward to my Blogs everyone!
How was your week? Anything cool or amazing happened? Anything you're super grateful for? If you look for it, it will be there. And remember, if there's anything I can do, let a sister know. :)
with LOVE,
This week has been full of Good News.
Do you remember the last blog post of 2010? I dedicated it to quotes that have inspired, motivated, and changed me. I have a quote on the wall of my room that I typed up and put a big frame around. This particular quote is the 'Quote of my Life'.
"The moment one definitely commits oneself then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred...unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way."
Johann Wolfang Von Goethe
This really does happen to me EVERY time. I'm amazed at how God/Universe keeps its promise.
So, I'd like to say a BIG Thank You.
Thank You God/Universe.
Thank You Jenni Smith. Jenni emailed me immediately after I posted the last blog. She read my blog and saw that I was researching, to make my job easier, she sent me the list of all AFTRA shows. You're the best.
Thank you Anna Moon. Anna introduced me to Did you know that you can get up-to-date information on ANY show or project? This is the best for research and contact information. I signed up for it. It's $9.95 per month or $39.95 for a year. I did the year thing. I believe every penny spent towards my career is an investment. :)
Thank You Adam Ward. Adam called me THAT night I posted the last blog to ask if I was SAG. I said "No", and he asked if I wanted to get Taft-Hartleyed. Whaaaaaaaaaat?!?! Adam is producing and directing a webisode, and under SAG's New Media Contract, they can Taft-Hartley a non-union actor without paying a fee. I read the script and we shoot next month. Guys! I'm getting Taft-Hartleyed! I AM GETTING TAFT-HARTLEYED!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH! This means I'll be SAG-eligible, which means, a whole new world of opportunities for me. I think I'm going to cry.
And because I have always believed in Paying It Forward, I'm doing what I can daily to be of assistance but, I hope someday, I can help BIG. Hey, for those of you reading this, if there is anything I can do for you, please ask. It would be my pleasure. :)
I got to experience again, firsthand, the relationship between cause and effect. Because I took action, something happened as a result. I'm reading OUTLIERS by Malcolm Gladwell. He talks about the connection between effort and reward. Keep doing what you love, and the Universe will reward you more with what you love. It's that simple. Oh gosh, I'm so grateful, my heart may burst sometimes.
Ok, now to the logistics.
Last Week's Goal: Contact One-Person Workshop and Research AFTRA shows.
Update: Done and DONE!
I missed the first day of class because I was shooting the Hotwire commercial. They were nice to let me take a make-up class. That was Saturday. I loved it.
And thanks to Jenni, I have a list already of all the AFTRA shows. Now what?
This Week's Goal: I'm choosing a few shows to target and I'm sending out my first round of mailers. Since I got my new headshots printed, let's go with that first. I'm going to write a simple cover letter to go with it and mail those babies out! Oh, I'm only a number...7. Lucky 7. I'm only going to target 7 shows. Thank you to Dallas Travers who taught me to 'Do Less, More Often'. She's my Creative Coach. She's amazing and because of her, I have a game plan. She's someone every actor/actress should know.
One more Vlogging (Video Blogs) is going through some changes...well, I am. So, I'm contemplating whether I should just stick with Blogging instead of both. I want to be able to stick with one thing and do it well and put my everything into it. So, perhaps Vlogging will happen as a bonus. So, look forward to my Blogs everyone!
How was your week? Anything cool or amazing happened? Anything you're super grateful for? If you look for it, it will be there. And remember, if there's anything I can do, let a sister know. :)
with LOVE,
Monday, January 17, 2011
Television, here I come! Week 3.
Do you sometimes feel like you're going to explode or implode??
I do. All the time. I feel like I can't execute fast enough what's going on inside heart and brain. I am definitely feeling the effects of my Saturn return (a time of transformation, astrologically speaking). I am deeply learning about myself and I had an epiphany. I am an "All Or Nothing" kind of gal. I tend to jump into anything and everything with such fervor (Sagittarius, Fire Sign) that I get burnt And once that happens, it's all lost. I want to learn from this...this is why I blog. I blog to certainly release but, the lesson this year is patience and consistency. So, as much as I want to try out all these ideas RIGHT NOW, I'm breaking them up into weeks. So, I hope you'll be patient with me as well.
Last Week's Goal: List television shows I would like to be in and sign up for One-Person Workshop.
Update: Done and DONE!!
I came up with 28 shows to be exact. 28! I'm sure at least half will be nixed because I'm still Non-Union and my focus is just on AFTRA shows....for now. :)
And I'm in! I'm super excited about the One-Person Workshop. It's with Julie Brister, who teaches at Upright Citizens Brigade. I mean, I can't learn from anyone better!
This Week's Goal:
1. Turns out I have a schedule conflict. One-Person Workshop begins Thursday and I BOOKED a commercial for that day!!! It's for Hotwire. Of course, shortly after I sign up, I book a commercial. Isn't life funny and wonderful? So, I gotta call the workshop and see what they say. It'll all work out I'm sure. :)
2. Now that I have a list of my t.v shows, some research is in order. Figure out which shows are AFTRA and get their casting department information. So, how do you determine which ones are AFTRA and SAG? I Googled it. Here are some links I found. You could probably get some information on the AFTRA website but, I'm not AFTRA either. So, some extra steps for me.....I like it.
Then, how do you get the casting department information?? I STRONGLY recommend getting an imdbPRO account. I believe it's like $99 for a year but the benefits are so worth it. The PRO account will give you detailed information about any show, film, production company, talent agencies, etc....pretty much everything you would want to know as an actor. Oh yeah, and you can also upload close to 100 photos of you.
*Tip: Get some online presence. imdb is the go-to place for industry professionals...and recently Facebook. Before I had any credits to put on imdb, I still made an account and put up pictures. Also, there is an amazing blog post by Ben Whitehair (actor) and he talks about your Starmeter and how having an imdb account can help you. I just wrote to him because I couldn't find it but, I'll link it once I get it. But, definitely check out his website and his blogs. I was so glad to come across his blogs because his approach is very similar to mine. What a gift.
So, I have two things to take care of this week! Simple and do-able so it'll get done!
What two things can you get done this week???
Song of the Week!
Katy Perry's Firework Cover by BOYCE AVENUE feat. DAVID CHOI on strings.
The lyrics make my heart swim and makes me feel like this....
Courtesy of Cammy Kinney Photography
with LOVE,
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Television, here I come! Week 2.
Happy Monday.
First of all, HOW FRIGGIN COOL IS MY NEW BLOG PAGE!!! I re-vamped deserved one. My VLOGS are now linked with my BLOGS! Look up. You see my YOUTUBE videos??? Hollaaaaaaa!
Last week's goal: Get new headshots printed and revise resume.
Update: Done and DONE!
I got my headshots printed at Reproductions.
I've been going to them for some years now...Tommy, who helps me out is the bomb-diggity.
I updated both Commercial and Theatrical. I'm so excited because I love my new headshots. Who took my headshots?? John Allen Phillips - Click West Photography. Check out their website...I'm the 'face' or the 'home' girl. Yay!
I also revised my resume. Booked some amazing projects in the last 6 months and wanted to include those credits. My oh I like my resume now. Before, I used to try filling up the page (due to lack of credits) with crazy fonts here and there and now, no crazy fonts necessary. :)
Very professional looking.
So, what's on the agenda for this week?
This Week's Goal:
Since my mom and sister are in town until the 15th, I'm keeping it simple.
1. Get specific. Remember my goal for this year? It's to book a t.v show! Soooooo, I'm going to make a list of my favorite television shows or shows I can see myself on. I'm going to list as many as I can because since I'm non-union, I may have to "86" some shows... and target mainly AFTRA shows.
2. 'One-Person Show' workshop! Thanks Brian for letting me know about this one...I've been talking about wanting to do a one-person show for like forrrrreverrrrrrr. I don't know why but, it's been calling me...I daydream about my One-Person Show all the time, usually when I'm driving and/or listening to music. I know I will do it one day...I know it. But, to get one step closer, I'm going to sign up for the workshop. It's 4-weeks with Julie Brister, who teaches at Upright Citizens Brigade. Wish me luck...there were a couple of spots left. Fingers crossed...nah, I got this already. :)
I have some cool things going on this and next month! Be sure to check my blogs weekly and vlogs monthly!
So, what's your goal for this week??? Keep it simple like me if you have to. We have allllllllll year. :)
With LOVE,
Monday, January 3, 2011
Television, here I come!

Happy New Year!
Me? I want to book a television show. Either guest star, co-star, or recurring. Heck, why not book a regular?!?!?! Last year, I wanted to book a commercial. I booked THREE. How did I do it? I got specific about what I wanted and followed a plan.
For example, I had a commercial agent but, wasn't getting sent out for auditions. I asked my agent if there was anything I could do on my end and she advised that I get new headshots. So, I took new headshots and uploaded a new main pic to my LA Casting account. Whaddya know, I was now getting called in. As happy as I was to get auditions through my agent, I realized that I was doing a disservice to her and myself by going to them unprepared. You see, there is sort of a formula to commercial auditioning...and I'm not talking about being cheesy. Technical stuff to help you be more IMPACTFUL than the next actor. So, I signed up for Chris Game's 4-week commercial workshop. The rest is history. Now, I get sent out regularly for commercial auditions and I have great relationships with a few casting offices who call me in constantly. Now, I'm free to focus on my theatrical goals!
Here's my stat as of January 2011.
* Non-union
* No theatrical representation (no manager or agent)
* No reel
All good. Why? Where there's a will, there's a way.
And lucky for me, many shows nowadays are AFTRA. So, SAG or no SAG, I have a fair shot.
Ok, so I want to book a t.v show...that's my big goal for this year. I have some prerequisites to handle before I can book a show. For example, get my new headshot printed and revise my resume. That's this week's goal. Start small, and just do do do! Sooner or later, I'll be booking my shows!!! Wait and seeeeeeeeee!
So, what's your big goal? What can you do little by little to help you achieve that? Patience and perserverance. Do this with me. Set your weekly goal and check in with me next week!
Yay! Let's get to working! :)
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