Monday, October 4, 2010

I Pinky Swear

Good morning and Happy Monday. The weather is gloomy and it makes me soooooo happy. I'm a New Yorker, a Brooklynite at heart so this kind of weather just makes me feel refreshed and energized. Makes me want to kick some ass too! In a good way.

Anywho...I'd like to kick off this week with a promise. And I am pinky swearing so, you know I mean business.

I'm going to BLOG every Mondays. Yup. Just to clarify...BLOG, is this thing you're VLOG is the video version you see on Youtube.
But, I will be BLOGGING every Mondays. The VLOGs...once a month but with some short videos to hold you over. :)

Why am I making this promise?

I've been doing some thinking. Especially about BRANDING. This year, I have been focusing on the business of this business. Whether you like it or not, this (Hollywood) is a BUSINESS....bottom line. You are a product..your product. Now what?

My product...ME wasn't really me. Let me explain.
Early this year, I decided to cut off my hair and perm it. Now, I had long, straight hair for a very long time. I remember saying to myself..."Gee, I wish I can chop off my hair. Oh, but, I can't since I'm an actress. Long hair is better. It's easier for me to book roles with longer hair...since I'm giving them a blank canvas to work with."

Who says?!?! Let me just tell you that cutting my hair and perming it in 2010 was the best decision or business move I made! Instead of chasing after roles that I didn't want (because that's all that's out there for us Asians), I believe I am now telling Hollywood what I want and how I want to be casted! Here you go Hollywood, there's a new Asian in town. Muhahahaha.

So let me ask you a question...

How many Asian girls do you know with short, curly hair?
Not many I'm thinking. Now, if you didn't know me, and you met me, this curly-haired Asian girl, wouldn't you say or ask yourself..."Hmmm..I wonder if her hair's natural?" Even if it was 2 second passing thought. I can safely say this because everybody I meet...I get the same thing..."OMG. Is your hair natural?" Man, woman, children...they all want to know. Not kidding.
Now, include casting directors, directors, producers, writers, into that mix. It's true! They ask about my hair all the time! Soon, they're saying things like "it's so cute!", "you're like the sassy Asian", "it's very sexy!", "you're the edgy Asian", "it's very unique!", yada yada yada....
Do you see where I'm going with this? They've already created all these characters for me. Now, I may or may not get the part but, I was MEMORABLE.

A couple of weeks ago, I met Nicole who recognized me from my vlogs. She came up to me and asked if I did videos. I thought, "No way...can't be." But it was true! She watched my VLOGS and said she was a fan! My VLOGS don't even have 200 views so to be recognized on the streets was the coolest random event ever. The one thing she said to me was "YOU ARE MEMORABLE".

Being memorable is crucial when it comes to branding. You know what else is crucial??? CONSISTENCY. worst enemy. But, I'm going to make it my best friend. I have to be consistent. So, my blogging and vlogging..I have to be consistent. Which takes me back to the promise. I have to be more reliable for my know what I'm saying??
If I'm going to call myself a blogger and vlogger, I'm going to do it right.

So, here's the plan...
Blogging...every Mondays. It'll be a nice way to start the week for me. And who knows, maybe it'll help you start the week too. I'm a good motivator. :)

Vlogging...once a month. Let's about the last Monday of every month! Yeah! Okay. Done. Editing is extremely time consuming and you have to be meticulous. It's a lot of work but, once a month! I'm going to do it! But, for those in need of some "Alex Fix", I'll have short short videos (1min. in length) to hold you over during the down times. :)

So, there it is!!!
I've got a busy week ahead of me. I'm ready though. Always ready.

So, think about your brand this week....YOU. I'm not saying go out there and shave your head or do something drastic. But, think about what's working for you and not working for you. And remember, it's really YOU that people want. How can you show yourself? You are the only one who can do that the best.

Your Curly, Sassy, Edgy Asian,
