Tuesday, December 16, 2014

"2015 New Year's Resolution and Goal". Television, Here I Come.....Again! Week 51.

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week......

*  How cute are my stickers?  Business cards and retail tags are on its way.  Yaaay!!!  Thank you to my friend Mindy for creating one of my lovely logos.

Now on to the main attraction....

New Year's Resolution and Goal(s) for 2015............and I already started.

After 20 years of smoking and not having gone more than a day or two without a cig......today, I have been a non-smoker for 1 month 29 days 2 hours.  Booyah!!!!!  Thank you Kerry Gaynor Method, #StopSmokingStartLiving, and God.  :)

2.  Youtube

Youtube Youtube Youtube, ladies and gentlemen.  This is going to be a MAJOR game-changer/player in media and entertainment.  It is already, but I think it's going to get even bigger.  I would probably start thinking of a Youtube channel as online real estate, just like domain names.  Think about it....Netflix.  Television will become obsolete one day.  My kids are going to be like, "Television?  Mom, what's that?"  Youtube's already GLOBAL and the community is strong.  The things that will come out of Youtube in the future.....holy, I can only imagine. 

My goal for 2015 is to hit up Youtube again.  Instead of "Television, Here I Come!", for 2015, it's "Youtube, Here I Come!"  My calling is in creating my own content.  I'm a personality.  This is something that has been becoming more and more evident over the years.  I'm an actress AND personality.  Actually, I think I'm more of a personality than an actress, which is probably why my body of work has been all non-scripted stuff.  I have a message.  I have a vision.  I have opinions.  I have things that happen in my head that I MUST get out in some shape or form.  Basically, I have to create my own content.

And Youtube is the perfect platform for me to do that.  I have creative freedom and control to create the content I want, and not what someone else wants.  My Youtube channel is my voice.  There's something very powerful in that.  Guys, do you realize that your Youtube channel is your network/studio/production company?  On a platform that's free with global access?!?!  I mean, seriously.....I don't why this is just blowing my mind like crazy right now.

 Any ways, I even want to do merchandising in the future....which means, there has to be a solid brand first.  My hope is to become a branding queen in a few years and I believe Youtube is one of the best ways to do that.  The fact that anyone can make a video, put it up on the web and it's all fair game from there.  Even typing this makes me emotional because this is all I ever wanted......a fair shot, you know?  Because you give me a fair shot, I'm takin that shit.  

I'm getting my Youtube channel ready for 2015 now.  I have a shit ton of ideas I have written down.  One by one, let's do this.  

I spent this past weekend uploading some of my greatest Instagram hits.  Hahaha.  Thanks to Instagram and its point shoot video, I have been able to practice telling a story in 15 seconds.  I think it's been very helpful for me as an actress, director, and editor.  

Some you have seen, some you have not.  I never posted and just archived some because self-doubt kicked in.  :D  Well, I grew some balls over the weekend and decided, "Eh, fuck it."  The never before seen ones will be private until my website goes live, but feel free to catch up on some oldies  but goodies.  CLICK HERE for the IG hits playlist.

But, I'll release one 'never before seen' video.  Enjoy!  :D

I hope to see you on Youtube.  Click Here to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already.  :)  Peace and have a THRIVING week, peeps.  


x Alex


  1. Nice blog. Thanks for sharing this to us and it helped me a lot. Looking forward for the next! GBU

    1. Hi John! Omg, thank you so much for reading!! Happy New Year.
