Friday, March 14, 2014

"Who Wants To Become A Millionaire?" Television, Here I Come....Again! Week 11.

Wanted to chop my hair off but, I worked hard to get it long.  So just decided to get slight side-swept bangs.  Feelin like a million bucks.  :D

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week....

*  Here's the Indiegogo link to 'Commodity' again, if you'd like to contribute.  I'm grateful to be a part of the project.  It's gonna be sooooo good.

Now on to the main attraction.....

I just finished The Instant Millionaire.  I was just on Amazon getting a little something and saw this.  Ordered it.  Got it in the mail early this week.

OMG.  Revelatory.

Guys, I'm gonna be a millionaire soon.  !!!!!!!!!

I have always had an okay relationship with money.  Now, I want to have a great relationship with it.  I know what it feels like to not have money and I don't like it.  I also know what it feels like to have lots of money and I LOVE it.  I want to keep feeling what I love feeling.  Is that so wrong?

I have no shame in saying, "Yes, I want to become famous and make lots and lots and LOTS of money."  What's lots?  I'd like to become a millionaire in 5 years.  I'll start there.  Then, once I get the hang of making lots and lots and lots of money, it'll just keep multiplying.

Making money is a skill.  You can learn that from the book.  But, you'll also learn how to be wealthy, and that takes faith, luck, happiness, self-worth, spirituality, and inner peace.  You'll learn that from the book as well.

The book provides wisdom on so many levels.

And it's told through a sweet and tough-love story between the millionaire and the young man.  I love a good mix of sweet and tough-love, don't you?

We will all relate to the young man.  All our excuses.  All our blocks.  God, there were times where if I could, I just wanted to shake and slap the sh*t out of the young man.  

We may relate to the millionaire.  Bless you.

When they say "you already have everything you need", it's absolutely true.

I hold the key to my destiny.  I used to think this all sounded cheeeeeeeesy.   I know better now.

Once I free myself from limiting thoughts and beliefs, once I MASTER MY OWN MIND............................

OMG...the possibilities are endless.  

It's all about mastering our own minds.  And by this, I don't mean become a taskmaster/drill sergeant with kind and easy too.  

So, how does one go about mastering his/her own mind?  Read the book.  Here's one way, affirmations/incantations/mantras/chanting/meditation..............REPETITION.  Seems too simple, doesn't it?  But, it's not easy at the same time.  Because our minds will tell us that it's too simple to work so we won't even do it.  To become a millionaire, it's gotta be more complex than that!  Yes,.....and no.  

You want to make lots of money?  Be prepared to work but, not the kind of work you're thinking about.  Try repeating something out loud for fifty times morning and night or for twenty minutes straight.  Your mind will go bonkers.  Stay in it.  Focus.  

"As I've said, words are extremely powerful agents.  The stronger your character becomes, the more the words you utter will become genuine decrees.  Everything you affirm, fueled by deep inner conviction and strengthened by the fires of repetition, will take shape more and more quickly.  You have to do the exercise.  Nobody can do it for you.  You must repeat your formula aloud day and night at least fifty times.  And more if you can.  Even a hundred times a day.  This is an exercise in itself.  The first few times I laid down and counted by tapping my fingers on the floor, five times with both hands.  It takes practice.  At first you'll find it won't be easy.  The mind is prone to wander.  After repeating it ten times, you'll start thinking of something else.  Bring your mind back to business and start at zero again until manage to reach fifty, because if you can't stick to such an elementary form of discipline, you'd better give up your dream of becoming rich.  That's the challenge I'm offering you, my young friend.  And I know you can do it.  All you need to do is persist."

And be prepared to do some Self work.  

Again, the book will help with that too.

For the cynics, I'm not saying all you gotta do is just wish hard, and say your affirmations to become rich.  Hell no.  I'm all about doing the work.  Work will come.  But, where to start?  If you don't know where to start, like me....then, start with the book.  And do the work the book suggests.  Let's see what happens. 

The book was and is truly a game-changer and mood-changer for me.

My intention in this life is to live as magically as I can.  I want to see how many times I can say in my lifetime, "Is this really happening?!!  I'm like the luckiest girl in the world!"  Wish the luckiest girl in the world some more luck.

Also, if you give it go, and make your millions....please share.  That's the whole point of the book.  Spread the secret.

I'm wishing financial abundance for you and for myself.  Please keep me posted!!

Have a THRIVING week, peeps!


x Alex

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