Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"Debt-Free At Last, Debt-Free At Last" Live Shows, Here I Come! Week 29

Dear Diary, 

Here's my offering to you this week......

*  Took Ty Harman's workshop last week.  He's an associate with Guthrie/Goddard-Smythe's office.  On a mission to slowly but, surely meet as many comedy casting offices.  Got good feedback from Ty. He said there's funny in me and there's such a niche (pretty, funny, sassy, Asian women) I can fill.  He's not the first to tell me that they're in NEED to fill this niche and that I can easily do it.  He thinks I'm funny but, he recommends honing it for tv.  I agree.  He recommends Lesly Kahn.  I believe once I have proper and technical training specifically for television and sitcom, there may be a take over.  I'm just sayin.

Now on to the main attraction.......

I have fully paid off all my credit card debt.  FULLY and ALL.

Holy fucking crap, does that feel good?!!

I had 3 cards:  an American Express Platinum charge card, which I was paying about $500 a year just to have (bullshit) and had to pay off the whole balance each month.  I had another American Express Blue credit card, and my first credit card ever (a Mastercard which I opened when I was in college).

I opened all these while still living with my parents in NY before I moved to LA so my cost of living was very different.  I was still spending while my expenses were accruing.  Got myself into a hole I thought I would never get out of.  Over $10,000.00

It was embarrassing.  I was afraid I would get declined with every transaction.  Whenever I told myself, "Next month, I'm paying off a little more on these cards", and then next month rolls around, I had other unexpected expenses that I couldn't pay off more than the minimum.  Sometimes, even the minimum was difficult because I had three different minimums.

I should have listened to my mother sooner.  Growing up she would always stress how important a good credit is.  I get it now.  You can't do shit without good credit.

About two years ago, when recession hit, I took advantage of it.  Normally, I avoid asking for help...especially if it has to do with money but, it was swallow my pride or a nasty credit report to my name.  I called all my credit card companies and advised them of my situation and told them how difficult it's been to make payments, and on time.  They worked with me.  We set up a payment plan.  A locked amount was automatically debited from my checking account every month.  The best thing I ever did.

Two years later, I am now debt free.  Actually, I opened up a credit card early this year to finally start building up my credit again.  So, I'm purposefully building debt to build credit.  It feels like being born-again.

I believe this is the beginning to my financial freedom.  What's the point of figuring out ways to make more money when in the back of my mind, I'm constantly worrying about the debt I already have?  And the debt that just keeps building?  I'm clearing space.  I'm making room for new energy, new money to flow into my life.

It feels good to 'get real'.  Yes, it freaking sucks before checking your account balances, it sucks before paying bills, it sucks to check your credit score, it sucks to REALLY see where you are.  But, once you do, so much better.  Maybe you'll think, "Eh, not so bad" or "Fuck, I'm fucked" but, the fear of not knowing will be gone and then you can move on with some certainty.

My friend, Dawn who is super knowledgeable about all different kinds of workshops around town for actors and artists told me about The Actors Fund.  Check out the site.  They hold free seminars and workshops for actors about REAL stuff.  Ex.  Budgeting (Income and Expenses), Fighting Depression and Anxiety, Discussion groups for HIV + professionals, etc.  They are so informative and insightful.  Who knew something like this existed?

We can all have financial freedom.  First step, we have to get real with ourselves.

Wishing you all a financially abundant and free week, month, and year in advance!


x Alex

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