Monday, July 2, 2012

Guest-Star, Here I Come! Week 27. 'Expect The UNexpected Sometimes'

"I'm looking for the unexpected.  I'm looking for things I've never seen before."  -Robert Mapplethorpe, American Photographer.

Dear Diary,

*  So, how did the 4am meditation go?

It was amazing.  Pretty much 2 1/2 hours of kundalini exercises, meditation, and chanting in the dark.  There were more people there than I had expected.  Also, there was a cute guy who came by himself.  I was like, "What the?  For real?"  Totally turned me on.  A hot, disciplined, spiritual guy.  Damn.

*  I'm on Instagram now.  I'm obsessed.  I think I'll take pics of......EVERYTHING.  I love it, I love it.

*  Anywho, this past week, something was in the air.  Magic was in the air.

Early this week, I got a message from a friend asking me if I can help out with his short film.  It's limited to no dialogue but, it will be in film festivals and another imdb credit.  Hell yeah.  Plus, it's good to know that I'm an easy 'go-to' person....just goes to show I'm professional and reliable.  Straight.  Up.

Next day, got message from another blast from the past.  A Producer from a previous project I had worked on asked if I'd be willing to shoot a scene for his new project.  Read the script and watched their teaser.  Do you remember I've always wanted to be a Bond girl?  Yup.  It's a sexy female assassins, film noir, stylized's pretty and badass.  Again, hell yeah.

I told my roommate after that second message/'sign', "Hey, something's in the air."  Whenever I say this to my roommate, things get wilder.

Couple hours later, I get ANOTHER message.  From another Producer, whom I have never met or spoken to before.  He said one of his partners forwarded him some of my Youtube videos.  "Funny Stuff", he said.  Word?!!!!!!  He said they're working on a feature and there is a scene I'd be perfect for.  He wanted me to come in for a chemistry test with one of the leads, Thursday.  Only problem.....audition was in New York.  I don't think they knew I was out here.  I thanked them and broke the news that I resided in LA now.  He wrote back thanking me for responding back and that he'll see me on their next project.  He said I was now on their radar.  WILD.

Then minutes later, my agent called to make sure I was back from my trip and ready to go.  Apparently, Young And The Restless (Greg Salmon) has been requesting for me since I've been away.  Serious?!!  My mind was getting blown away at this point.  My agent's the best.  (How often do you hear that?)  I've auditioned for them once before...some time early this year and haven't heard from them again.  I assumed, "Eh, maybe they didn't like me" OR, "Maybe they just forgot, I could send them a 'reminder".  I'm forever learning in many different ways and forms of accepting what's in and out of my control.  I went in, had a fun audition...don't think I got the part but, it was good to see Greg again.  We're from the same neighborhood in Brooklyn ya know.  Sheepshead Represent.

Some good stats for one week, don't you think?

Then to add to that, I had amazing classes with Suzanne and Sam.  I'm having so much fun with being okay with being angry.

You wanna hear something funny?  I have a potty mouth.  I love droppin bombs.  My mom begs me to stop.  I can't help it.  Sometimes, there's nothing more satisfying than saying a good, deep, long F*****cccccckkkkkkk when you're angry.  I'm not cursing AT anyone.  Well, she has now given up.  Did you know that Pope John Paul II, our beloved Pope John Paul II was known for his potty mouth?  Found this out on our trip to The Vatican.  I just looked at her and raised my brows.  She looked away.

*  I decided to have some fun and try something new (I can be quite a hermit).  I went with my friend Cammy Kinney on one of her shoots.  Rock Photography.  Mayhem concert in San Bernardino.  The bands.....Slayer, Motorhead, Anthrax, and more.  I popped my heavy metal cherry!  I know nothing about the heavy metal world so I didn't know what a big deal this was.  It was insane.  And who knew such a big Hispanic community was into heavy metal?  You learn something new everyday.  We had All Access Press Passes for Slayer.  She was's one thing watching a sports game on tv and it's another actually going to one.  I found myself headbanging.  The music is transcendent in a different way.  I get it.

I saw someone pour his beer on this little kid who got caught trying to climb over barricades.  I looked at him with a look of shock and said, "Omg!"  He explained, they like that.  It's cool.  It's their culture.  I understood...until, I got spit on...with water, but, still, from someone's mouth.  Gross.

I took my camera.  Here are some pics from the concert.

P.S.  Slayer rocks.

P.P.S.  Note to self....shoe check.  Wore wedges thinking it was more like a Wiltern concert....nope, like Coachella....walked like po po feet.

With an unexpectedly good week, I can only be grateful.  Who knows if it means anything?  It's just how I gauge where I am.  And it feels like I'm exactly where I need to be.

Keep on truckin Alex.

Here's to more unexpected gifts every where, every time.

with LOVE,


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