Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 22. 'The Superhero's Journey'

My new motto:  'Take care of me, take care of others, and take care of my sh*t'.

I am just lovin this kickboxing thing, let me tell you.  (in my Brooklyn/Jewish accent).
Two weeks and my body does feel tighter...or I'm just in pure pain.  Either way,....I like it.  :)

 Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd scene.

How was your week?!

As you can see, I'm cuckoo for kickboxing.  My instructor says I'm a natural (ahem...dust my shoulders).  I'm learning fast and already I feel like I can be the next badass ass kicker!  Or a Bond girl.  I'd make a great Bond girl.  Oh yes, of course, and a superhero.  :)

If I were a superhero....if I were a superhero, I'd probably have fire power.  I can throw fire, I emit fire, I can give light, and I can give heat.  And as cool as my power is, the fire protects and keeps me from everything...the good and bad.  I can kick some ass but, can't get too close to people because I'd burn them.  Superheroes get lonely too.  Then I fall in love with another superhero.   His power?   Water. Unfortunately, fire and water don't go together....all you get is steam.  Too much fire would cause the water to boil and/or dry up, OR too much water would put the fire out.  Each of their powers becomes too destructive when around one another so, they painfully had to let each other go.

Sad, huh?  My version of star-crossed lovers.  :)  I'm sure you've had to let go of something or someone you didn't want to let go.  I had to this past week. I was dating a great guy but, things just didn't work out for us.  Who knows why....it could be timing or we just weren't compatible.  We tried and tried...but, that's the problem, too much trying.  It was like we couldn't be ourselves to make the other happy...we felt like we were walking on eggshells with each other.  I can hear one voice saying, "hey kids, it ain't working, take a hint", while another voice kept saying "but, we wanna be togetherrrrr!"  But, I had to listen to my quiet voice....the quiet voice that's so quiet that, if you didn't want to hear the truth, you wouldn't hear it at all.  And because I didn't want to be alone again, I ignored that voice.  It's scary to follow my heart because it first takes me somewhere I don't want to go, or somewhere I'm uncomfortable going.  But trust and go.  Trust and go.  So, I'm trusting and going.  I still miss him.  And as sad as I am saying goodbye to that experience, I know it was meant to be a part of my life.  The lessons are being revealed in the wake of it.  I still have lots of growing to do.  I still have lots of forgiving to do.  I still have lots of loving to do.  But, it's all good because this experience is getting my inner compass back on track again...I'm given a direction.  I am being guided.  I'm grateful to him and the relationship for opening my heart up.  So, my job is to stay open more than ever, take care of my sh*t, and just enjoy life day by day.

Have you talked or listened to your heart lately?    

My friend Jessica sent me this video.  Thank you again.  FYI, it's a tear jerker.   But, in a good way.  It'll wake you up and if it doesn't, then I don't know what to tell ya.  ;)


Pictures for Fuzzy Connections screening at Dances with Film festival!

Last Week's Goals:  Revise acting resume, follow-up letters to managers, kicboxing!

Update:  Doney Done Done!  I actually mailed out my new resume and follow-up letters to managers!  Holler!

This Week's Goals:  I start my 4 week vocal workshop with Kevin Quinn Tuesday!  Also, my 4 week Hawthorne/Law and Order workshop too!  I will wait until Wednesday or Thursday and see if I can do a follow-up phone call with the managers.  And my friend I'll be doing some impromptu headshot sessions with friends.  

Have a wonderful week you superheroes.  :)

with LOVE,



  1. Alex, thanks for sharing that video. Very heart-breaking and yes, a wake-up call for all of us who bitch and complain. Oh, by the way, I am heading to my kickboxing class right now!

  2. ooooh lady! i just got back from kickboxing class now! i'm so hooked. get ur buff on. :)

  3. love those kick-boxing pics alex ^^ you are a badass!
