* I took a chair dancing workshop. It was good. ;)
I used to take pole dancing but, never stuck to it long enough to do sick tricks. But, I can lift myself up.......a bit. I think I was an exotic dancer in a past dancing makes me happy.
I take classes at Evolve Dance Studio. Sign up to receive their emails.....they have great sales. Summer's here, let's get our sexy on.
* Here's my friend Maz's blog. He's an actor, writer, and awesome human being. You'll see.
And thank you for the shout out. :)
* I'm going to 4am Sadhana (kundalini meditation) on Thursday with my friend Erika. I know...cray cray!! We'll do some light kundalini work and then get right to meditating and chanting. I'm so excited, I can't wait for Thursday. I'll let you know how that goes.
Now, for the main attraction......
Dear Diary,
Yup, still writing. Thank the Lord I'm not experiencing writer's block. In fact, things are just coming outta me. It's easy to get lost in the past and future. But, writing it helps me stay in the present.
I'm going to start a LOVE series. I'm going to write love letters. Don't know why but, it's what's coming through at the moment. Starting with this one. I'm a little embarrassed because it's something I used to think was 'corny' but, here goes.....
I wrote this for my one-day-to-be baby daughter.
Lovely Lady Lessons from mommy with LOVE.
1. Red lipstick can cure anything. But, a good red is not easy to find. Don't give up and don't be afraid to mix colors sweetheart. You'll find the perfect red for you.
2. Boys will make and break your heart. Let them. You'll thank them one day.
3. Meditate. Even for a minute a day. The time between you and God is the time between you and the world.
4. Always remember that no one is ever responsible for your happiness. Everyone is like extra credit….YOU are the homework.
5. Sometimes, you're going to want to stay in bed all day. It's ok. You'll eventually have to get up to go to the bathroom.
6. Believe in magic baby.
7. Whether you finish school or not, always keep learning.
8. Like your grandma always says, 'Crean rittle by rittle eberyday so you don't have the big job.'
9. It's ok to say 'I don't know'.
10. In order to find balance, you're going to have to feel the extremes. Allow yourself to go there without judgment.
11. You'll never know love, you'll only feel it.
12. Read some good quotes from time to time…you're never alone.
13. Crazy's in here, not out there.
14. Whenever you find yourself praying for a heart of a boy…..remember, 'When I exist, you exist.'
15. There's no one to forgive but yourself. And maybe you'll see, there was nothing to forgive after all.
16. Your inner child will forever be your best friend.
17. Keep a journal. The answers are all there.
18. Take at least one conscious breath a day. That's at least 365 conscious breaths a year. How could that not change you?
19. Always remove your make-up before bed. Always. This is non-negotiable.
20. Oh yes, and eye cream.
21. Drink room temperature water. Cold isn't good for your intestines.
22. Experiment with, explore and experience everything your heart desires.
23. Read Joseph Campbell and 'Follow Your Bliss' baby.
24. Find a way to make decisions for yourself. Learn how to communicate with your heart.
25. Dance whenever and wherever you can. Sing whenever and wherever you can.
26. Choose to listen first.
27. It's good for your Soul to let out a good sob now and then. Let it rip.
28. People will come and go. Let them. No one's staying…not even you.
29. Everyone in your life is your mirror baby. And you are theirs. Smile!
30. We are creatures of habit. Build habits of success, whatever success means to you.
31. Take your time.
32. Expect everything and expect nothing.
33. Just Do It. I didn't make this one up. Thank Nike.
34. Your sexuality is a gift. Present your present when you're present.
35. Shadow your shadow. You'll see the light.
I love you and I'll see you soon little girl.
This post is dedicated to MY mommy. :*)
Have a 'corny' week. :)
with LOVE,