Tuesday, September 4, 2012

'So, You Want To Get Discovered?' Guest-Star, Here I Come! Week 36.

Dear Diary,

Here's my offering to you this week....

Hope you had a wonderful Labor Day.

Let's begin.

Do you remember when I filmed a horror webisode a couple months ago?  Click here for the post.  Well, the webisodes will be put together into one feature.  And I got permission to release this Behind The Scene footage.  I turned it into a vlog.  What Whaaaat.  Thank you Edward and everyone with 'Dead Reckoning'!!

There is a close-up version of it on Facebook.  'Like' my Facebook Page!  

Here's the video.

Now on to the main attraction.....

I'm scared...because I'm getting busy.  I'm getting busy because I'm taking motherf*cking action.  I'm making moves Dear Diary.  

I'm a DIY (Do It Yourself) kind of gal.  Perhaps because I'm impatient.  I can't wait for others to 'make it happen' for me.  Honestly, even thinking that someone or something outside of myself has the power and control over my destiny, over my dream....it's unsettling.  

Actually, it pisses me off.  Who knows, it could quite possibly be the control freak in me, the prideful child in me, my Ego?  OR, I'd like to believe it's my talent, my genius, my daemon that knows better.  It knows that I'm fully capable but I'm not giving myself enough credit. 

I was talking to someone recently, another actor.  I've seen his work and there's no denying he has the talent, skills, and 'look' to be a star.  But, he's frustrated.  He and his agent know he's a star....now, they just need someone else to see it and give him a chance.  All of a sudden, I got a knot in my stomach.  

"I just need someone to give me a chance...I just need someone to give me a chance."  Seriously, take a moment and sit with that.  How does that feel to you?  Doesn't feel good, does it?  You know why?  Because YOU know that's not true.  YOU know you don't need anyone to give you a chance.  YOU, the dreamer, the believer who moved out here how many years ago, told you that you could do anything you put your heart and mind to.  Remember that YOU.

Whenever you give up your power, you're not going to feel good.  That's your internal compass giving you direction.  Listen to it.  YOU give yourself a chance.  YOU give yourself everything BEFORE you think someone else has to give it to you.  

I started making this mental switch a couple years ago.  I knew it wasn't about getting 'discovered' or catching my 'big break'.  That will come to you when you just SHOW UP for yourself.  Don't expect others to do it for you...everyone's commitment is to himself/herself at the end of the day.  If you don't have your own back, you'll just resent everyone else for not having yours.  

But, think about it...is it really their job to take care of you?  Hell no.  That's your job.  When you start helping yourself, you'll naturally bring people into your world that want to help you.  

I actually have a problem accepting help.  I have this idea that if I ask for help, it shows that I'm weak and I'm incompetent.  I'm realizing that asking for help actually takes courage.  I'm learning to ask for help and receive help with gratitude.

So, pretty much...we all have issues and internal conflicts we gotta work through.  Work through them. Know your weaknesses and know your strengths.  See how you can work with what you already have.    Because you have everything you need.  Maybe it's not what your Ego wants but, you have what you need.  

I'm re-evaluating my goals for the rest of the year and into the next.  I'm prioritizing and setting new goals.  I'm doing it by 1, 3, 6, and 9 month goals.  I'm making my visions crystal clear to me and to God/The Universe.  Then taking small steps toward that.  

So far, I plan on doing a spoken word event once a month..starting with this month.  Yaay!  Then I'm tackling stand-up.  Gulp!  Then, I'm going back to doing some casting director workshops.  Then, I'm also handling my own marketing and PR.  I'm working with Dallas Travers and Theresé Cator on how to use social media to launch my brand more effectively.   This makes me feel empowered.

I read a great article by Chris Brogan about goal making.  Chris Brogan is an American author, journalist, marketing consultant, and frequent speaker about social media marketing. Wikipedia
He's extremely knowledgeable and is sought out by entrepreneurs.  Click here for article.

I am so blessed to be living and pursuing my dream now.  Because of the internet, I have access to worldwide leaders and I can learn from...for FREE.  

In summary, get your head out of your ass.  If you think you're going to get 'discovered', you're in for some disillusionment.  This isn't about getting discovered....it's about discovering yourself.

Get a clear vision of what you want.  Set short-term and long-term goals.  And then begin by taking action.  Small action, consistently, is all it takes.  You don't need to believe in yourself first to take action.  Sometimes, by taking action, you'll start believing in yourself.  There are no rules here.  Then if you can, surround yourself with those who are already doing it.  If you can't physically 'hang out' with those who inspire you, you have the web to 'hang out' with them.  Read what they're doing, watch how they do it, and learn from them.  

Make no excuses.  There's no time.  The world's waiting for you.  It's time to SHINE that light of yours.  Are you ready??

I'll see you on the other side.  ;)

with LOVE,



  1. Your post reminded me of this song. Its not going to win any awards for its musical genius or anything, nor is it everones musical genre cup of tea, but it always gets me going when self doubt starts creeping in.

  2. Power of NOW! Nice girl - see you Sunday - dd

    1. Power of NOW DD. Also loved the book too. Can't wait to see you Sunday!
