Monday, April 18, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 16. 'This is how I roll in Korea!'

Hey everyone!

Another amazing week in Korea.  I'm trying new things left and right....especially food.  Korea, I love you.  One more week left...I plan on making the most out of it.  Enjoy the video!

Oh yeah...and I got another new hairdo!  I feel like a whole new woman.  :)

The Diary of A Thriving Actress - Television, here I come!  Week 16.  'Korea Fun and Food' from Alexandra Choi on Vimeo.

with LOVE,



  1. ahhhh alex! I feel like I'm there with you... totally would tear that seafood up together. xo sarang!

  2. Cant believe you put that in your mouth!

  3. so fun, it's like being right there with you.... and a terrific glimpse into your day day adventures over there..... what an amazing cultural and personal experience....

  4. Girl......i LOVE LOVE LOVE the new do and the new look. You are glowing. :) miss u my dear.

  5. Looking good :0) It looks like so much fun out there? The food also looks YUMMY.
