Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Television, here I come! Week 32. "My 5 cents on CD workshops"

Helloooooo World!

What an incredible week I've had.  Productive and feeling wonderful.  :)

*My 7 year anniversary!  I moved to Los Angeles August 14, 2004.  Woweeeee...amazing 7 years.  Looking back...it's been amazing.  I trust the next will be even more.  Thank you God/Universe.  :*)

*My buddy Sean and I have been getting things done!  Things are being checked off daily...that alone makes your day more full and your heart happy.  And it's fun cheering each other on everyday.  I'm grateful to her for being my accountability buddy this month and I'm so proud and impressed with how much she's getting done.  :)

*I have a Life Coach!  I had my first session with Justina on Friday.  I'm experiencing lots of changes right now....and I'm learning a lot.  But, what to do with all this new information??  I feel like I'm slowly shedding my old life and creating healthy space for the new one.  It feels like a re-birth all around....physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Yup.  My Saturn Return.

*'Three Guys and A Couch' made it into the Hollyshorts Film Festival and we screened on Saturday evening.  I loved being surrounded by creative films and its dedicated filmmakers.  Inspiring evening.

*I shot an Intel commercial!  Thank you to my friend Jason for hookin a sister up!

*My reel is done!  I've waited 7 years for this.  Yes, 7!  It's my very first reel and I'm so proud of it.  I'm proud because I took some power back as an actress.  Getting footage for projects I have worked on wasn't easy and that was my #1 excuse as to why I didn't/couldn't put a reel together.  No more excuses.  With the help of my friend Dylan, we shot the first scene to add to my reel.  I picked a scene that I loved and shot it.  Simple as that.  I had so much fun shooting it and I think it looks great.  :)  It's also under 2 minutes because I wanted it to be what I call the 3 S's....short, sweet, and specific.

And a humongous shout out to Dylan!  Thank you for being so professional and quick.  I had my reel done in 3 days!!!  Dylan shot it and edited it.  And everything was half of what other reel makers charge.  I'm so happy!

Here it is!!!  I hope you like it as much as I do!!!

I emailed my reel to Scott David, CD for Criminal Minds to get his professional feedback....verdict??  He loves it!!!  Yeeeeah!


I had my first audition this past week because of a casting director workshop!  Cara Chute called me in for a UCLA grad thesis film.  I did her workshop about a month ago and she called me in for a project!  Cara works with Dylann Brander and they cast for Hawthorne.  So, now I know I'm on her radar!  How exciting!!!!!!

My thoughts on CD workshops.

*They are great as long as you know WHY you're doing it.  If your one and only reason is to book jobs through them, you're wasting your time and money.  Don't expect immediate gratifications here....instead, think of them as investments...you're planting seeds...building a foundation.  This is why I like the multiple week workshops...it costs more but, if you're going to spend the money anyway, 'up' your chances...get more time with the CD.  Plus, if you find yourself complaining about not auditioning enough...this is the perfect environment to practice your auditioning skills.  Win win.

*If you haven't had any sort of training...wait this out.  Yes, it's still a workshop and not an audition but, that's just technicality.....there's still the "You never know" factor.  I don't expect but, I stay hopeful...there's a difference. So, bring your A game.  You're still getting in front of a casting director and the whole point is to show them what you CAN do...not what you can't do.

*This one comes directly from Bob Lambert (CD for All My Children).  You wanna book jobs??  Know your product.  How you see yourself may be different from how others see you.  For example, I thought I would be right for quirky, funny but, the general consensus from CD's thus far is I'm more upscale, edgy, pretty.  Hahaha..well, duh.  ;)  Ask professionals and friends to list some adjectives that describe you.  Narrow it down to one specific thing and bring that into every audition room.  Never waiver from your product.  Believe in you and your product.  You will be hired for YOU.
"If you build it, they will come."

*To get as much out of workshops and your money, do be specific about the workshops you choose.  My goal this year is television so I have been focusing on television CD's.  Also, my product may be more right for a certain show than another.  Do your research.  Know the style of their show(s).  Also, if you're non-union, make sure the CD is open to that.  Some CDs tell you off the bat that they only work with SAG actors.  This wouldn't be the best investment if you're non-union.

*Usually CD's will give you their information (address and/or email address), use it....unless specified otherwise.  Don't bombard them with mails or emails but, make sure you stay in touch with them from time to time.  Let them know what you're up to so they see you're proactive and dedicated.

What do you think?

Last Week's Goal:  Prepare for agent showcases, more Kundalini.

Update:  Done Son!  As I'm writing this post, I can't believe how my week was!  Holy Cow.  Ommmmmm Mooooooooo.  Hey, it's a palindrome...sort of.  :P  Great week..great week.

This Week's Goal:  Talk to my buddy everyday.  Agent showcases this week.  Starting another CD workshop this Saturday.  My buddy Sean and I are doing it together!  Yay!  More Kundalini.  And I have to get my reel on dvds to mail out to my contacts.  Hoorah.  Oh!  I'm taking a Sketch Writing class this coming Sunday!  Exxxcited!

Have a fulfilling week world!

with LOVE,


1 comment:

  1. I watch your vidio it is a great institute for feed back profession.
