Monday, July 9, 2012

Guest-Star, Here I Come! Week 28. 'Solving Sh*t in Traffic'

Dear Diary,

        I've been feeling the urge to do another vlog (video blog).  I have so many ideas written down and I bought a new camera but, sometimes Resistance really gets the best of me.  I'll think it's the most brilliant idea and go back to it and think, "What are you crazy?  This sh*t is so stupid.  86 this sh*t".  It's ok Alex.  I tend to build things up so much in my head that the task seems so Herculean, and I get defeated before I can even give myself the chance.  

Guilt can really chew me up, spit me out, and go for more rounds.  I let it too.  How do you get out of it?  Forgive yourself and then MOVE.  Take mother f*cking action.  

So, I made a vlog.  Hallelujah.  I was inspired after my stand-up session with Suzanne.  I used to vlog while driving...wanted to go back to that.  Just say what's on my mind.  No big to-do, nothing fancy...and the no pressure made this fun to make.  I also learned a lot by watching myself while editing.  I worked through some things.  Unexpected blessings.

Plus, I'm testing something out.  I'm in the process of finding my stand-up 'persona'.  I'm....IN..... an artist....I'm developing a specific persona, character.  Do you know how cool that feels?!  I have to say, I'm having fun.  Holy crap....I'm having fun.  I'm grateful.  Because it's not everyday you get to have fun and be grateful while pursuing your dream.  Ironic, but true.  

Ok, enough talk Diary.  I know you want the main attraction.  So, here's my offering to you this week.  Thank you for being with me always.  

with LOVE,


1 comment:

  1. Hey ~ what's wrong w/being from Fuckin' Jersey??? You know you love ME! Awesome Vlog ~ keep goin' baby! dd
